The dealer fixed the problem pretty quickly. So I dont think they deserve the bad publicity anymore. Thanks guys!
It's really irritating to pay top $ for service at a Toyota dealership, yet receive a result that makes you feel like no one cares... If the engine oil level was above the lower dimple on the dipstick then no permanent harm was done. I'm surprised that you had to ask for your engine compartment to be cleaned - that should have been volunteered to you. Beware though, that if water drips into the spark plug wells, that an engine misfire may result. The rubber O-ring that seals each spark igniter is far from perfect. Hopefully whoever was cleaning the engine did not spray water on top of the engine where the tops of the igniters are located (you can see them - four small black rectangular housings. Two have grey wiring harness connectors and the other two have black wiring harness connectors attached.) It doesn't matter if P is not pressed prior to making the car IG-OFF. If you watch the shift indicator you will see that the transaxle shifts into P before the car powers down.
Thanks for your help! I washed the car on my way home That was an automatic car wash at a gas station. And the cap was missing at that time. I hope the water did not go under the hood...
Not to worry. Even if a small amount of water did enter the engine through the oil fill opening it would quickly be turned to steam and vented when you began driving.
I'd take your complaint to the next level in the dealer. That kind of behaviour is dangerous. What if you got on the road and headed across country? Might've lost enough oil to toast the engine. If you don't get enough reprise from the next level, then file a complaint with Toyota. They cannot do anything but will document the dealer complaint. If they get enoug of these Toyota will cease to do business with them. I had a Mazda dealer forget to put the cap on my van but I lucked out since there was no oil slung out the top. When I drove back to the dealer the first comment was, "So that's where it goes. We were wondering whose car this cap belonged to." I got pissed. Then shortly realized dealers will use cheap labor to do routine tasks like the oil change and use their mechanics for more serious work. Still irritates me. What if they forget to torque the drain plug?
When my HiHy was new I had oil changes performed at my local Toyota dealer. The dealership building has glass walls so that customers can be seated comfortably and observe their vehicles being worked upon. Fortunately this dealer had competent staff doing the oil changes, I had no criticism to offer regarding their service technique.
I just sent out my complaint letter to dealership's service manager. . . Hopefully Ill hear from him soon..
No glass walls at my dealership, but before a car is returned to a customer, one of the service writers always checks under the hood to make sure that all fluid levels are correct. This post-service inspection likely would catch a missing oil filler cap. Too bad all Toyota dealers aren't this thorough.
It is a terrible shame that you had a bad experience. I know you returned and spoke with the Service Manager, but had I not been satisfied, I would have quickly gone straight to the owner, and worked something out before I broadcast it to Priuschat. Ensign is my dealer, and I have found them to be sprofessional, upportive, and understanding. Bad experiences can occur anywhere, at any dealer, and as unfortunate as they are when you are the one impacted, I am confident it was an exception, rather than the rule. I know Mr. Ensign, and I am sure he would do anything possible to rectify the problem. Hopefully, your next experience will be more satisfying.
I just got a call from the service manager and he apologized. He told me to ask for him next time I send my car in for service.
No, it is not the same person as the Nevada senator. Marc Ensign owns the dealership in Logan. He is a very good person.
Sorry to hear about what happened to you!they should of been more professional about the matter.Car mechanics are like anyone else and human error will happen from time to time.Do yourself a favor next time and pop the hood and take a look before you leave the garage!it only takes a second or two.
+1. *Everybody* makes mistakes sometimes. You have to protect yourself by checking the oil level yourself after every oil change, no matter who does it.
Ditto, the dealers look at me very oddly as I pop the hood and check the oil and look under the car for leaks before I start the car. Why, because I have screwed up before and wished someone had checked it in the shop. It was the owners wifes car too. Fortunately they were separated! Side note! I never buy a used car!