I counted 18 new 2010 Priuses at one dealership in the Atlanta area. If push comes to shove, get a refund on the deposit and get a one way ticket to another dealer with a good selection of cars and is willing to make a deal. Sorry about your misfortune.
You got that right. I would ask to see the wrecked car, and check the SN. The dealer seems to be insulting your intelligence if he doesn't agree to that.
wow...i ordered the prius white iv with solar roof i was the firs on the list...i went to a toyota dealer in the middle of no where... so i signed up and the ohter day i get a call saying its in and i go in today for my appointment to pick it up and some other sales men just got done selling mine to some other person...=( i was so mad...but then they made me happy..there refunding my fee to hold a prius and they took a thousand off...and gave me all my accessories that i added for free...so im still a little mad cause i got to wait a month now...so yea...
That was pretty rude of them to sell your car to someone else :heh:! It must be so frustrating to have to wait again but it sounds like you got a bit of a financial break out of it at least. What accessories did you order that you're now getting for free?