AutoWeek generally liked the Gen III Prius: Toyota Prius gets even-better gas mileage, new look--an <i>AutoWeek</i> Performance Profile: AutoWeek Magazine
jesus whats up with the hypermile rant of that woman.. for normal standard ( 0-60 ) its painfully slow???? omg.. what a ****
Thanks for the edit; I think we can all express ourselves without lowering our standards. I was a little curious about the hypermiler comments too. I have 115K on my Prius and I do not think it is painfully slow to 60 MPH. (I have owned tons of very fast card too). Overall it was a good little segment on what I consider to be the best car available today.
i did put a * in between and so far i now thats the way of not really saying the curs word buth implying to it. i see this online ( and here to ) often. so no harm done. but i did a edit anyway.
Amazing how the facts in this report are all favorable to the Prius (except for the mis-statement about the base price), but the feeling tone is very anti. I wonder if this woman also has pejorative things to say about "tree huggers," the "death tax," and other Republican bugaboos. Maybe she also thinks that the solution for USA dependence on foreign oil is "drill, baby, drill!" She should watch out, lest they fire her and hire the now-available Sarah Palin to replace her. (This was so distinctive that I wanted to give the new link for it: Toyota Prius redesigned, sharper, more powerful, an AutoWeek Performance Profile - AutoWeek 8/13/11)
Interesting review, thanks for the link! It seems like all these automotive sites like to dwell on the 0 to 60 mph type specs but neglect to mention any specifics regarding tailpipe emissions, one of the main reasons we bought our Prius.
What tailpipe emissions? I agree about the pervasive 0-60 bashing. Who needs 0-60 in under 6 seconds, unless you are coming out of a racetrack pitstop, or trying to evade the police? You don't. I frequently enter the southern california freeways, and I have NEVER had trouble keeping up with the car in front of me -- and without having to ever floor the accelerator. But apparently, most automotive magazine writers feel a need to get up to highway speeds as fast as absolutely possible, otherwise I guess something bad might happen. Perhaps they don't want a slow Prius to cheat them out of a couple seconds of their precious life!
Reviewers need to document the shortcomings of the car. I'm sorry, but performance and handling are very important characteristics to many buyers. The Prius does not accelerate or handle well. Its certainly better than I expected, but its not good. People don't buy products based on what they "need" and "need" is a very relative term. Do you really "need" AC, heat, a windshield, etc? For that matter, do you really need a car? Trying to rationalize a shortcoming of the Prius based on the "need" argument is foolish.
Try telling BMW owners that their cars suck fuel and that they're paying a ridiculously high price for a car that lacks basic luxury features and we'll see how they react. Tell the owners of the sedans and convertibles that their cars lack flexibility and can't carry mroe than 2 bags of groceries and see how they react. Same thing. I'm not gonna review a BMW and expect 50mpg or being able to carry a wardrobe home from IKEA in the trunk. The same reason why I don't expect a Prius to do 60mph in under 6 seconds or pull 1G around a corner.
I agree that there is the notion of reasonable expectations, but reviewers should mention the shortcomings of the vehicle. A review of the luscious 2010 BMW M5, should bring up the fact that the 500hp engine comes with an appalling 13 combined MPG. Nobody is buying an M5 to save on fuel costs, but it should be documented in any review. Don't get me wrong, the review linked in this thread is bad, but I'm sick of enthusiasts brushing aside reasonable criticisms of the Prius.
Of the many reviews I've read, none of the enthusiasts are brushing aside their criticisms of the Prius. They throw them out there, front and center, always conveying that the car's acceleration is a SERIOUS shortcoming. Always. You should be sick of enthusiasts brushing aside reasonable criticisms of performance cars. Rarely do I read criticism of a performance car's MPG or cargo room.
and you say this with just 14 postts and a picture of a bmw in your avatar there is more critic on the prius then there is on cars like the bmw. so me getting sick about all those onreasonable criticisms (what this topic start is al about because the prius is now slow compare to a simular size car with a same size 1.8 turboless ice ) that the prius gets ... is not that sickening. just my 2 cents
i think this line is good enough qoute from your post but I'm sick of enthusiasts brushing aside reasonable criticisms of the Prius. whats reasonable criticisms about the gen 3 prius beeing slow.. .. its not slower then any other car with the same size ICE and size. on average its OK. so if i am mistaken about my point then please be my guest to correct me. or do misread you sentence?