So I just picked up my 2010 Prius, and the salesman handed me the navigation DVD. For the life of me I can't figure out where it goes, nor can I find in the owner's manual where it goes. Can someone give me a hint! Please help! Thanks!!
under the screen there are 2 slots the top one is for music cds and the bottom one is for the GPS dvd.. I believe one of the top left buttons opens the screen it is marked
This is a guess, this is only a guess... I'm waiting for my car to arrive and I don't have a pdf version of the NAV manual yet. On or around the NAV unit is a button that will make the screen fold out. Behind the unit is a slot for DVD's. I think they go in there. I saw the screen pop out during a test drive, but I missed the buttons the salesperson used to toggle it when he showed this to my husband.
I actually have that on video, in my Flickr... let me see... Hope this works... Note that the NAV slot is below the CD slot... couldn't see it from this angle. [ame=""]CD_tray_open on Flickr - Photo Sharing!@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]
For the 2010, it's behind the screen, in the same area as the CD Changer. The bottom slot is the DVD reader for the navigation disc. Press "LOAD" (or similar button) to flip the screen down.
Great!!! thanks for the info. Popped it right in. The salesman said below the driver's seat as well - but now I know better. thanks so much! so happy with my 2010 so far!
Well color me RED! I didn't get a DVD so I guess the prep people or salesman just put it where it went. I was thinking it must be under the seat as it was in my 2007. Sorry about that, I should not have given information if I didn't know it was correct. Sorry
I believe that if your NAV is working now then you already have a DVD drive in there. I think that when the new DVD comes out (I think they come out yearly) then you can replace the one you have with the new one.
Not that difficult to understand, apparently on some people's vehicles with Nav, the prep people forgot to put it in, or they were in a hurry to deliver, and didn't put the DVD in, so the salesperson or someone would be giving them one. Now, if you have a Nav, and its working giving you maps, then its logical to assume the DVD is already installed.
Or more likely, they were looking under the driver's seat for the DVD slot. Yes, to be clear, if you are able to use the navigation system at all, it is because it is reading the data from the DVD, which is installed. If you remove the DVD at any time, your NAV will not function until it, or an updated version, is installed. Unlike a PC, this disc also contains much of the code that drives the navigation functionality, as well as provide street information. This is one reason that you should never pop that DVD out, as it could get damaged, or lost or stolen. They cost a lot of $$ to be replaced, or updated.
This is a little off topic, but in the past has Toyota ever updated the NAV software (not the maps, but the actual way the system works) when they issue a new DVD? I ask because I've heard very mixed reviews about the NAV system and noticed two not so well implemented things when I test drove. It'd be nice to think that in addition to updating the maps, they may update some of how the system works.
Actually, the button to open the slot area is the button marked "Close"... Go figure, someone at Toyota must have drunk too much Microsoft Koolaid.....