- The Omaha World-Herald: Metro/Region - She's stuck on free speech Shannon Roeder has been flipped off, cursed at, flashed a thumbs-up — even mooned. Why the reactions? There are more than 300 reasons, and they’re plastered on the Omahan’s 2007 Prius. Bumper stickers cover just about every square inch except the roof and windows of the car, which appears to be royal blue.
They don't need a reason. :madgrin: Maybe plastering bumper stickers all over the Prius is actually safer: I have noticed that an increasing number of jerks have been pulling out in front of me or otherwise cutting me off in traffic. With all those bumper stickers, the jerks will be looking at the car and will see her coming. Yesterday I almost got a BMW. I don't mean that I decided to sell my car and get a BMW - I mean I almost hit a BMW that decided to pull out in front of me at the last second - luckily for me, I had an escape lane to the right and there was not another car there when I swerved into it to avoid BMW man. VSC and ABS are my new friends. BMW man pretended like nothing happened. I wanted to follow him and pound his face because of the adrenaline rush, but my GF was able to talk me out of it. Another car who witnessed it pulled up along BMW man before I could, apparently to let him know what a bad move that was.
We really have to go for a drive together. Something tells me the two of us could really work over some numnut driver
I don't usually go around looking for someone to pound, but when your life is threatened, there is a primal instinct that kicks in. I believe that both cars would have been totalled and we would have been hurt if I hadn't been able to avoid him. And I believe that he did see me coming but probably underestimated my speed or just didn't care.
Little bit of road rage fellas? In any case, there's a reason for the joke about the difference between a porcupine and a BMW.
I am all for free speech, but seems like such a shame to deface a nice looking car like a Prius. I can understand putting stickers all over a Combi Van, but not a Prius. Shame; Shame; Shame.
Well, I certainly hope that all those stickers dont add too much weight to the car, as well as mess with the coefficient of drag, thus dinging, and killing that political statement "MPG" !!
Oh I don't either. But if somebody pulls a cute stunt on me, I tend to work them over. Sure is funny that time the guy with the Dodge Ram Cummins cut me off at the post office, he didn't expect a bald gorilla to get out of a Prius Nope, I would *never* play games on the road, as so many seem to do now. I tend to follow them into a parking lot, then I give them the Personal Touch Oddly enough, the folks who cut me off when I had my Prius were tiny scrawny men, driving much bigger vehicles