Hoping to be an owner of a Prius

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by LoraJ, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. LoraJ

    LoraJ Active Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Plus
    I have been wanting to purchase a Prius since they came on the market. But when I bought my current car, I ended up with a 2003 Corolla because it was more economical for me at the time. My corolla is a manual and I have been wanting to get an automatic due to getting stuck in traffic on steep hills. Not fun.

    I was thinking about getting a new Corolla or Civic Hybrid. I was hesitant about the Prius because of a lack of trunk. I street park, so wasn't sure about keeping stuff in the back with a hatchback. But I have learned that the storage area of the Prius is fabulous and can be covered.

    So I have spent much of today reading this forum and watching videos. I am really sold on the 2010. But I have no idea which model. I would love all the cool features of the V with the tech package. Especially since I am horrible at parallel parking and have to do it every day. But I do not know if I want to pay that much. Would all of the added safety features help keep my insurance down? Or would the extra cost of them make my insurance go way up?

    Another concern is that we have a Sirius subscription that I believe is paid through the end of the year. I currently have a mount installed in the Corolla and I take the radio with me when parked. I really would love a built in tuner. But from the searches I have done, that does not seem to be very simple with the Prius. My husband has a portable Sirius, the first kind, not the one with the built in antenna, so I guess we could plug that into the aux and just throw the antenna on the dash until the subscription runs out. I am thinking it would be easier to just go ahead and get XM, but we would have to get the package with Howard and Martha because that is what we listen to the most. They merged so many of the stations, I don't know why they didn't just go all the way and merge them all.

    We also have no interest in the Nav system. We have a Garmin Nuvi with the friction mount. Looking at the dash though, I am a bit concerned about where the Nuvi could go. Would love input from those with friction mounts. But I am guessing, if we got the tech package, we would have no choice but to get the Nav? Or did I read that wrong? my brain is overflowing with Prius info today.

    How is the VIP security system?

    I plan on trading in my Corolla. I have never traded in a car before. Any tips? Should I get it detailed or anything? There are a few minor scratches.

    It may be a few months before I am ready to purchase. I want to save up for a nice big deposit and a really big one if we go all out.

    I am so glad I found this forum! I hope I did not bore you with my ramblings. ;)
  2. Manolo1

    Manolo1 New Member

    May 29, 2009
    South Florida
    2010 Prius
    trade in: get a quote from Carmax.
  3. praveensg

    praveensg New Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    Austin, TX
    2009 Prius
    1. Insurance
    Your insurance is gonna go up for sure since a brand new car would require comprehensive coverage and the value of your current car would be considerably lower than the new Prius. It would also depend on the options that you add on your Prius. The insurance company takes into account the price that you paid for the car including any accessories.

    2. What Prius to go for?
    Well, if you got the dough, go for the fully loaded one. 2010 #V with everything on it :D I recently got a new 2009 over the 2010. That was because a fully loaded 09 was costing me at least 5k less than a basic 2010. A year's depreciation on the Prius is quite negligible. On the other hand, you have to be careful with what accessories you pick. e.g. things like a premium sound system or a nav package don't add any value to your resale. The Tech package on the 2010 is a lot of money for something that you might use only a few times. It's like the sunroof :D

    3. Trade-in
    Before trading-in your Corolla, check it's KBB and Edmunds.com values. Trade-in values are way below than what you'd get from a private party. Try to put it on Craigslist and see if it sells. Corollas should have very few issues when it comes to resale. If all else fails, you can think of trading it in. That too, only at an offer close to the KBB value.

    Once you get your new baby, don't forget to post some pix on the forum :)

    All the best with the purchase.
  4. LoraJ

    LoraJ Active Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Plus
    Thank you!

    I will definitely post pics. :)

    I am almost thinking about getting a 2009 for the reasons you stated. I would love to have the backup camera, but really don't want the NAV system. I have a perfectly good Garmin portable that has a lifetime subscription to map updates.

    I have been reading the "confessions" series on edmunds.com and it is a real eye opener. I fell for a few of the lines in the past that they talk about. Such as "we can give you this APR if you buy the extended warranty."

    I've been researching the trade-in value vs. private sale. If I can get a certain amount for the trade-in I will do it just to not have to deal with it. I wanted to do that to help lower the costs, but if I sold it myself, I could put all the money towards the car payments and pay off earlier. We'll see. If I do sell it, I will have to remember to exercise it. With my last car, I was going to sell it, but it ended up sitting too long and no longer would start. Ended up donating it.

    I had my Corolla serviced yesterday and they said it looks in very good shape. Just needs a new battery soon. sigh.

    I am going to continue doing lots of research on which model to get as well as dealing with the dealership. I really want to be prepared.

    And about the insurance, this is how clueless I am. I don't think my insurance has gone down at all since I got the car. Only when I changed how many miles I drive to work. And then it went up again when I started having a longer commute. Hmmm...
  5. praveensg

    praveensg New Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    Austin, TX
    2009 Prius
    Auto insurance is a major scam in our country. If you don't research well, you might end up spending more on premiums than repairs. I usually shop for insurance every six months around the time my current policy is to expire. I must say, over the years I have saved thousands of dollars by switching companies. e.g. I was with Geico for a long time since their rates were pretty reasonable compared to Progressive or AllState. That changed last year when they jacked up my rates after an accident. This was when I was at no-fault. I shopped around for a good two weeks and finally came across a company from Rhode Island called Amica. I was really surprised to see how great their customer service was, not to mention the rates. My premium came down by almost 40pc. Recently, when I added comprehensive coverage on my Prius, the premium went up by only $180!!!

    So, shop around, you will save a bunch!
    1 person likes this.
  6. LoraJ

    LoraJ Active Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Plus
    I got to test drive a spanking new '10 over the weekend. I loved it. Now to decide if I should get the NAV package or not and if I should wait until the fall batch.
  7. praveensg

    praveensg New Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    Austin, TX
    2009 Prius
    I feel that Nav package on the 2010s is great value for money for all the stuff you get. By the way, I think you don't get a touch screen MFD if you don't buy the nav package. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  8. usbseawolf2000

    usbseawolf2000 HSD PhD

    Sep 22, 2004
    Fort Lee, NJ
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Thanks a lot! I have been with Geico for over 5 years. I just switched to Amica and my premium came down by 55 percent! The customer representative was a pleasure to deal with. I got the new rate and switched right away. The entire process took 15 minutes.
  9. LoraJ

    LoraJ Active Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Plus
    I currently have USAA insurance and I don't know if I want to give them up. Last time I priced out Geico it was twice as much.

    My new policy comes out in a month or so, will try and get USAA to bring it down until I get the new car.

    I was thinking about financing through USAA as well.

    I think I want everything with the NAV package but the NAV itself. LOL!

    Does anyone here know when the updated models are supposed to hit the road in the fall?
  10. LoraJ

    LoraJ Active Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Plus
    Here's some pics from the test drive.


    My nephew said it was the best car he has ever been in. It had 2 miles on it before we drove it around the neighborhood. My brother is also looking to get a Prius so we took turns driving it. Definitely more comfortable in the back than my Corolla.

