Bought a Prius and the guy only had one keyless entry remote. I do not know alot about them just yet, but my Prius is an 06 with the Smart Key option. If you have one that will work for me, please post, pm, or email me at thanks jared
Just found a remote I had purchased for my 2005 Prius. It was supposed to be brand new, but looks like the key was already cut. Oh well, that's what I get for waiting so long to open it ... it may need a new battery. It has the BLACK Toyota logo which I understand from other posts means it is a KEYLESS Remote only NOT a Smartkey. Looking to sell AS-IS for $25. Are you interested? [email protected]
I just went through the smart key replacement. Two used ones could only be programed to operate the ign by inserting the key. The fob was inop. Your best bet is to get a new one from a dealer. 10% off is the best I could find ($175). Programing is from $170-$40 depending on the dealer.