After I finished using the Zaino Z-5 protectant the winter gray took on a much darker sheen. Many people actually thought the car was black. I was parked next to a Dodge Caravan, of all things, and admiring the speckled metallic pattern of the paint job. When I used the Z-5 the speckled pattern was not as pronounced. So here is the before and after, the Z-5 looks almost black but with the Z-2 it looks much more gray/speckled. As an aside I am ashamed to say that I scratched the side of the car with part of a metal stroller. After using the claybar, 2 coats of Z-5 and 1 coat of Z-2 I cannot find the scratch anymore! I wish I had taken a before and after picture. I think I like the Z-5 coat better, perhaps this weekend I will change back to the almost black look...
Lighting conditions (how the sun was hitting the paint) could also affect how the paint looks, as well as certain angles but w/o a doubt I noticed a difference on my 06 when using Z5 vs Z2. Z5 just seemed to make the paint have much more depth to it, and like Sal says it does help hide swirl marks better. The car looks great in both pics IMO, but I agree, I think I do like the Z5 on there a little more... I think after Blizzard Pearl I like the Winter Gray next. I'm a black paint guy but I almost like the winter gray better this time around
My $.02.... I have a Seal Gray Boxster (Which is lighter in color than Winter Gray) but the same amount of metallic flake to it. Z2 and Z5 look totally different on my paint. Z2 produces a lighter, more shiny look to it, Z5 gives the paint a flatter, darker appearence. Both are nice but I prefer Z2.. because it seems easier to work with (wipes off easier). Z2 can be used for light surface sratches, if you layer it... I do that on our Millenium Silver Prius and it comes out great. Winter Gray looks awesome either way! Thanks for sharing the pix.
the first pic does look darker, but the 2nd pic also seems to be in brighter conditions. in the first pic, a better comparison would have been to take with sun behind u
Yes, Z2 and Z5 can both be layered but Z5 does help fill in the swirls more than Z2 even with layering... Z2 really doesn't help hide swirls by filling them in, it just seals in the swirls. Either way, the results are always spectacular IMO.
Thanks, everyone! The Z-5 picture was taken around 11a, the Z-2 picture was taken around 1230, both days extremely sunny. I couldn't remember the exact angle so I guestimated, should have taken the Z-2 picture from further behind. I will add on a layer of Z-5 this weekend and get to test out the new orbital buffer. Incidently, if you are extremely compulsive about the polish DO NOT use a hogshair brush over the entire car, when I look carefully I can see minor imperfections in the clear coat. That said, it doesn't bother me particularly... Removing the coat of Z-2 took almost an hour of polishing. The ZFX was on in only 10 minutes. Hence, new orbital buffer...
It's not mandatory, but recommended, that the final coat always be Z2... Just something to keep in mind. Also, when you apply Zaino by hand it is best to apply in back and forth motions. On top panels go back and forth from the front of the car to the back. On side panels apply up and down. People claim it makes a difference in light refraction (or something like that lol). I use my orbital when I apply Z-AIO twice a year but monthly in between that I apply Z2 by hand. Once you have a base layer down, subsequent layers buff off MUCH easier... Also, if you have it, spraying and wiping the car with Z6 inbetween coats does enhance the gloss and make the next layers removal easier... And about the hogshair brush, I have been using a Boars hair Brush since 2001 and it has been the BEST brush I have ever used for washing my cars. Griots garage has a lifetime guarantee and sure enough, just 2 weeks ago bristles finally began coming out. (keep in mind it is 8 years old!) I called them and they replaced it no questions asked. Great company... I know I always tout their products as well as Zaino but they do stand behind their products and they are great quallity. Now they do sell tools and stuff which are overpriced but for cleaners, microfibers, etc they are great. Boar's Hair Brush - Cleaning Tools - Car Washing - Car Care - Griot's Garage