1. got out of my car while it was in ready mode. Would it turn it's self off after a set ammount of time? I ask because i have got out while it was on and had the key on me and when i got back the person with me said the ac was cold and running the whole time. 2 what would happen if i did the same thing with the key inside, would it just sit there in park and over days burn gas on and off as needed?
If you leave the car in park the ICE will go on and off to keep the battery charged until it runs out of gas. It wiil stay on until you turn it off. No key no restart. If it is in neutral the ICE will not start and the battery will run down and possibly damage it.
In both use cases, the car would continue to remain in "Ready" mode. I can't say anyone's tried to see how many "days" the car would do this (at least none that I've seen posted here). Fortuantely the car will "beep" at you if the key is removed from the car but left in "Ready" mode. Leaving everything in the running car, however, won't provide you w/ the same warning as the programming of the car would assume that it's occupied if the key remained. Best recommendation is to keep the key on your person or in a purse/bag (depending on your gender and preference) that you'd be likely to remove from the car if you were to leave for any length of time.
Yup... stays on until you turn it off. I told a story once here about when I was shopping for my G2, a salesman and I were standing next to one parked and while talking about it, the engine started up. The salesman's eyes jumped and he ran to go get the keys to turn it off. When he got back I told him all he had to do was push the POWER button to turn it off. His face blushed.
Slightly different scenario, but just to add, my coworker did this on the G2. He actually shut off the car, then turned it back on, but in "accessory" mode. Left the car all day and came back to a dead 12v battery. The traction battery maintained the charge it had prior to him leaving the car. So all he had to do was jump start the car as ppl normally do when the 12v is drained.
Odd - I thought there was a drain protection in ACC mode where the car would shut down after a set amount of time.
Outside of running out of gas after several days ( weeks? ) the biggest risk is that when the ICE is ON you can't lock the doors. I've done this. I've run out of my G2 for a meeting but left the vehicle ON. In this situation the doors are unlocked and the vehicle is READY. Any observant thief can simply get in and drive it away!!!! So.....P > P > O PARK ===> POWER OFF ===> OUT!!!! PARK ===> POWER OFF ===> OUT!!!! PARK ===> POWER OFF ===> OUT!!!!
So you guys are sure Toyota did not put a protection mode in there to prevent battery drain. And to say shut the car off after it has been in ready moder for say an hour or two? So the car wouls sit there far days and burn threw the whole tank of gas??That looks like a huge oversight!!!!!!! I am asking this question for both situations where the key in in my pocket or the key was left in the car.
You can "power off and out" which will put the car into park automatically. The act of powering off automatically engages Park if not there already. It's not possible to turn the car off in any other mode.
No, the car will not shut off automatically. Imagine the problems from this if your fob battery went dead, and the car decided to shut down during rush hour on the highway. Tom
I'm reading the manual in anticipation of my car coming in the next couple of weeks. I found the following on page 165: Auto power OFF function If the vehicle is left in ACCESSORY or ON mode (hybrid system is not operating) for more than an hour with the shift position in “P”, the “POWER” switch will automatically turn OFF. However, this function cannot entirely prevent battery discharge. Do not leave the vehicle with the “POWER” switch in ACCESSORY or ON mode for long periods of time when the hybrid system is not operating.
Thanks for finding this and sharing it! I have to valet my car at work, and I think some of the attendants don't always actually turn the car off by hitting the power button. I always ask the ones I don't know all that well if they know how to work a Prius, and they always say "yes" but I remind them anyway. I've just been worried that the car would run all day....
I saw mention in another thread that a 'cheat sheet' came with the car - aka a Quick Start Guide with a short list of instructions to operate it. I'm planning to keep it in the glove box (someone suggested laminating it) so I could put it on the dash or hang on the shifter if I have to valet park somewhere. The real issue for you is making sure they hit the Park button or else you may still come back to a dead battery.
I'll have to check the stack of materials the dealer gave me. Having a cheat sheet would be a big help, especially if it could be laminated.
Either way. It doesn't matter. If the fob is inside the car you can't lock it with the engine running and if you take the fob with you the car still won't lock with the engine running. It will simply keep running, turning on and turning off, until the gas runs out in a couple of days/weeks.
I see from the preceeding posts that some members are reading this to say that the car will always shut down if it's left unattended and running. The way I read the above part: "(hybrid system is not operating)", I would think it's describing the situation where someone entered the car, pressed the button once or twice, but without their foot on the brake, and the car remained in ACC or Power, but not "Ready". Any other interpretations? If it's in Ready, I think it will just keep running and bringing on the ICE until it runs out of gas, as most have said. Same as any other standard car. If you have your key when you leave, it will whistle and warn, which standard cars won't do.
I know from hanging around this forum that owners seem to defend and love the push button start and the convience of SKS just walk up to the car and enter technology. However reading this thread does anyone want to admit the simplicity of a key starts to sound appealing? Yes, I know The Prius doesn't have a standard ignition system, but at least with my 93 Honda I don't have to worry about Valets or "Accidently" leaving it running. Ready mode, PARK, POWER, acc mode, OMG! I just want to get in a drive, and get out and know it's not running and locked, without consulting vague owners manuals or laminated cheat sheets.
[ I took it that being in Park was the critical requirement for the auto power off in this scenario. If it was ON, you'd be in Ready status, and if stayed in park for an hour, it would shut off.
Thanks for the laugh. I'll give you a half point! But, who is really important? That would be me as the primary driver. The toys (push button and SKS) make it easy for me. I can't remember the last time I used wallet, I mean valet, parking so it's not serious consideration. I'll keep a cheat sheet just in case.