Is there an easy way to find out if any local (within 100 miles) have a 2010 Blue Ribbon Prius II in stock or soon to be in stock? My local dealer was being less than helpful and refusing to negotiate price, just stating MSRP because they believe the "worth" of the car is going to go up at the end of the month due to the "Cash For Clunkers" program going live (I'm currently planning to take advantage of of the CARS program). My argument was the dealership isn't paying more for it at the end of this month so why should I? I wanted to negotiate price and put down a $500 deposit on an incoming car. So besides starting to call every dealership I can find on the internet to see what they have coming in, is there an easier way to do this? I want to negotiate the price, put down a deposit, and pickup the car at the end of the month or when the program goes live. Am I being unrealistic? Any suggestions?
Just e-mail all dealers within a 50-100 mile radius. You can also check inventory at or, but keep in mind that dealers might not immediately change their inventory on those sites.
First of all, dealers in most of the country are still selling at msrp. Second, the markup on the II is not hugh, so if you do get a discount, it won't be a lot. On the other hand, models IV and V seem scarce, so some dealers may be willing to discount a II to meet their sales quota and get more in their next allocation. I would go to the Toyota web site, click on find a dealer and search for dealers within 100 miles. That will give you links to their web sites where you can search their inventories. E-mailing is a good idea because the web sites won't tell you what the dealers expect in their next shipment.
In the pacific NW, most dealers won't bother looking as they have little, if anything to trade P to P because of the WA exemption from sales and use tax through 7/31 for hybrids that get at least 40mpg. I called over 30 dealers in 3 states myself to locate the two colors I was interested in (without NAV); Sandy Beach or Blue (found a III today with no nav and a few port extras for $24,099 including $750DC). No one in OR, WA, or ID is dealing lower than sticker at all. What some will negotiate is the extras - like swapping carpet mats for rubber (don't need another set of double) so that saved me $200. Also, thanks to this web site, I am buying the extended warranty for $1,080 instead of $1,800 list. Also, decided to go with the paint and cloth protectant package. Its worth $600 to me if I am going to keep for 6 or 7 years. Even with dark gray inside - if stain does not come out, I get a new seat. Acid rain, new paint. The list was a couple hundred more...So to me it comes down to getting the extras almost at cost & professionalism of sales staff - even if I have to drive a few hours to get it (next week). Hope this helps.
Your "protectant package" cost is about $300 less than quoted to me so there is your discount off MSRP. :mod: To OP, I second the suggestion of going to site to find dealers within a given milage of your location; I found four w/i 100 miles and made email contact w/ them. I guarandamtee that they will get in contact w/ you especially if you put down a deposit.
Thanks for posting your pictures - really glad I am getting blue and not SBM. My car arrived in Lewiston, ID today so I will pick up next Friday!