Date Ordered: Jan. 5, 2004 Dealer ordered From: Berkeley, CA Timeframe for Delivery: "A couple of weeks to a couple of months" Color: Silver Package: BI (#6) Place on Waiting List: Couldn't, or wouldn't say. Very eager to take order and accept Non-refundable $1000 deposit. Obviously grossly underestimated delivery time when he probably knew better. Dealer claimed to move more Prius than anyone and we saw 7-8 in a warehouse. Called after two weeks and salesman re-estimated at "several months" and complained their allocation was down and they were at Toyota's mercy. However, I am able to wait and won't accept anything other than what I ordered.
miniracer, I noticed in another thread that you mentioned test driving a Prius that had aftermarket leather which the dealer was offering for an extra $3k. Did you place you order with that dealer? Also, did you ask the dealer about your place on the list? They should be able to tell you about how many they have on their list and your place in line.
Hi Miniracer, We got ours from Hanless Hiltop in Richmond. They were very nice and being a smaller dealer than Berkeley don't have as many people on the waiting list. We got ours in about 5 weeks, although we originally wanted a package #9 but took a package 7 when it became available. There is no such thing as a non-refundable deposit in California. Berkeley may be telling you the truth about being the largest dealer but they were lying about the refundability. I placed a $500 deposit with Toyota Vallejo and they gave it back the day I bought mine from Hilltop. If you are in a hurry, my advice is to call around to other dealers. Most won't even require any kind of deposit. John Paek at Hilltop will give you the straight story. Dave
Well, I called the salesman just now and was informed Berkeley Toyota has about 150 standing orders. He couldn't give me my specific number "due to all the package and color combinations" nor could he say how many Silver #6's were in front of me, but he felt I was in the #50 range. Allocations have been down, as we all know, but Toyota has said they will increase. He gave me late March as an estimate. We'll see. They are estimating 4 months for orders placed now. tag: This was indeed the dealer with the demo outfitted with aftermarket leather for a $3000 premium. Looks nice but I wasn't interested. Other than that they are straight MSRP and don't push any "packs". Fortunately, I'm patient and can wait.
I'm on the waiting list from Toyota of Walnut Creek and I started the process at the beginning of Nov 2003. Given that, I've have only the best things to say about them and their internet sales staff. They are the most honest and steadfastly hardworking people I have met. I bought my truck (Tundra) from them over three years ago and I still feel good when I think about the sale. I've had haircuts take longer and had more regrets than I had with my purchase. Window etching?, Scotch-Gard? ... they didn't even try to offer them to me. I think from the first time I looked at the truck and the time delear prep was finished it took them about an hour or maybe two. Now, saying that. If you order a White #9 and get ahead of me...I won't be happy. Oh yea, I live in Berkeley and have dealt with the Berkeley sales staff many times. Their sales team are out of touch with today's educated buyers like all of us.
Within the space of 2 hours today I spotted 2 new silver Prii with my dealer's paper plates in parking lots in my area. I spoke to the owners and they both ordered in early November and took delivery the end of February, about 3.5 months. I can't get ANY info out of my salesman as to my place "on the list" or even a gross approximation of how long the wait will be. I got more out of these folks in just a few minutes. At least I know I have another month or so to wait.
Received the infamous key fob from Toyota today. Interestingly, my salesman knew nothing about the key fob mailing or Toyota consolidating their customer list. But, alas, still no car - another 4-5 weeks according to the dealer.
I ordered from Berkeley and had some of the best Prius karma ever. I ordered Package #6 Seaside Pearl on about 10/30. They said January or February. On 11/14 I got a call saying they had a #6 Seaside Pearl available for immediate pickup due to a cancellation. We have lived happily ever after.
I also Live in Berkeley but ended up buying mine from Hayward toyota (near my work.) I was put off by Berkeley Toyots's sales staff when I walked in to look at the Scion when It first came out. I was chatting with the salesman about the results of my research on the net when he commented that they hate the internet and went on and on about salesman not being able to make a decent living anymore. (Sure wish they made a hybrid scion) I ordered my prius through my credit union's buying service in November - Originally they said 60-90 days but but that started slipping to 120 days in December and I got the distinct impression the salesman did not have any real information. I started looking around at other dealers during the wait. At the end of December I used the Traderonline website dealer request page - Hayward Toyota (Val Kuncheff) responded with a firm quote at $500 under MSRP. He must already had the allocated vehicle because he knew the color and package when he made the offer. I did it all over the net and took delivery on Jan 21st (Silver AM pkg 7). The first time I met the dealer was the day I signed the papers. They ( the finance guy)only made a halfhearted attempt to sell me an extended warranty at wildly inflated prices (~2k for the 7/100 0 deductable) but since I had credit union financing in hand - I got out of there quickly and relatively hassle free. Not a bad experience as dealer experiences go. I think my timing was good/lucky - I found a dealer with no waiting list who had an unsold car coming. I've since talked to several new prius owners and those who got theirs quickly went through smaller dealers and got lucky on someone else's dropped deal. With the increasing popularity that's going to be harder and harder to find. - good luck. Pete Moss Berkeley CA
Well, I got the "second" letter today from Toyota - you know, the one where they thank you for being so patient and lament the long waiting period most folks are experiencing. So, I've got the fob AND the 2 letters - all I need is the car. I've spoken to 3 folks (in parking lots) driving paper- plated Prii from this dealer. All waited about 4 months. I'm gettin' close I hope.
Talked to the salesguy today and actually got some information out of him. He says I am #2 for a silver BI (#6) and #6 overall. The next allocation comes out 4/30. I may get lucky.
Well, I'm moving up very slowly. Today I'm #1 on the list for a silver #6. Dealer gets the next allocation June 5. I'm told the #6 (BI) is coming in very slowly. Twice as many #9s (BC) are arriving. I've waited this long, so I'll stay the course
Well, at 169 days I got the call; but it was kind of a backwards deal. My intent was to call my salesman, as is my habit every 3 weeks or so. I am informed that "Marty no longer works here". Heart sinks - this does not bode well - my file gets lost - passed to someone else, etc. I get ahold of the sales manager and introduce myself. He starts with "Hey, Larry, I was just about to call you. We have been working through Marty's list and your Silver BI (6) is on a transporter and should be here in a couple of days - then we need about 4 hours to prep it and then we'll call you" Could have knocked me over with a feather. But, since the wait has been so long, at least patience-wise, the enthusiasm has waned a bit and the whole thing is kind of anti - climactic. Has anyone else felt this way?
Well, I was tired of my sales contact person NOT telling me where was on the list(Novato Toyota), so I called Toyota Motor Co. itself. They were very nice and gave me another contact to contact. Did so. Not in today, but there was yet another person who “could help me.†He did. I’m now number 11 on the list! This sounds great, but “Randy†said I was still about 2 months out. Sigh. He asked me what package I wanted (9) and color (anything but white). Odd that he asked me this, since I thought I HAD ALREADY TOLD MY FIRST SALES PERSON THIS INFO!. Who to believe? I’ll believe it when I have the fob in my hot little hand and my (whatever color) Prii in my own garage.
If you would be so kind, could you please post the Toyota Motor Co. number(s) you called, and to whom they referred you. Having such might help us poor souls who are stuck hopelessly waiting for a Prius. Thanks, Glenn
I had a decent experience picking up the car. No "surprise" add-ons or anything. Paid straight MSRP for a BI, $200 license, sales tax, $45 doc fee, and that's it. Told the finance guy the extended warranty didn't interest me (at least for the first 3 years). They wanted $1500 but said they would match any discounted rate I found. Out the door in 40 minutes, and after an orientation by the salesman off I went.
Congratulations and I hope you enjoy it and the fact that you know more about it than anyone at the dealership before you even got the car. Happy Motoring.