I test drove a 2010 Prius yesterday. The dealer let me drive it home and back as I live on a long four mile uphill drive, so I wanted to see if the car had enough power to maintain the highway speed (it maintained the speed but passing power was not there in ECO mode, Power mode was adequate). :focus: Anyway, Hawaii has somewhat hot summers, about 90 degrees with high humidity, anywhere from 50-80%. The silver car was parked in the sun at the dealer's. Running at the lowest temperature, the A/C could not cool down the car until I got home, a drive about seven miles which was done in Power mode. What is your experience with the A/C? My current car is a 2003 VW Passat and it's A/C cools the car rapidly, within five minutes.
With 95+ temp days and high humidity it takes about 10 min to cool the car to 74deg after sitting in the sun all day. I'd give it an 8. Not the best I've owned but close to it
My weather is a lot worse than Hawaii and I have no complaints at all about A/C. It's plenty fast and plenty cold. Of course I don't usually leave it baking in the sun for hours at a time. If you are in a hurry for a cool down, you definitely want to get out of ECO mode.
I rented one for the day in CA on Sunday and it always seemed too cold. I think it got up to 80 in some areas I drove through.
I leave mine in ECO mode almost all the time, and within 1-2 minutes when 105˚F outside (and ~120˚F inside), the air coming out of the vents is ~67˚F and dropping (keep in mind, it's recirculating in ECO mode full time for better efficency).
Keep in mind that it has the same full power in ECO, Normal, and Power modes, you just have to use more pedal movement to get there while in ECO.
1. Since it definitely decreases A/C operation, I'd still take it out of ECO mode if the car had been baking. 2. ECO mode always starts in recirculate, but I have seen it drop out of recirculate even while still in ECO mode.
I also live in HAwaii and the ac is very good in this car. But I also got the solar roof and that keeps the interior reasonable to start with.
Judy, which island are you on? I have to commute from Mililani to downtown and vv. Where do you commute? Do you find the power enough for your driving? What color is your car and did you get the windows tinted? If so, by who.... Thanks in advance....
I just was in 98 degree weather for several days with my less-than-a-week old Prius and the a/c was stellar. It cooled down extremely quickly, and as others have said, was really too cold. We had to set the temperature higher and the fan lower to make it comfortable.
I find if you leave the fan in auto and adjust temperature to suit, you're best off as far as economy is concerned. There are a number of temperature and humidity sensors within the system to make automatic work pretty well. Downside is I use one temp setting for winter (68-72˚F for heat) and another for summer (75-78˚F for cool) depending on how extreme the difference is. Less heat and/or AC demand helps with fuel economy.
the solar roof helps a lot i run eco auto ac at 78 or 79 and it is very comfy i find the ac to be strong
Just completed a 1300 mile run from NE Oregon to Buckeye, AZ Monday PM - Tuesday evening in normal mode, averaging 50.5 mpg and was shocked to find AZ temp was 108 when stepping out of vehicle (numbers so small on readout that I couldn't make them out till getting nose to dash). Inside temp set to 72 - 74 degrees, auto temp control, very comfortable. It seems to take several minutes to cool down car interior when it has been sitting in the hot sun! But what vehicle wouldn't?!!!!!!!
Ditto here. Sure does the job - with no belt / direct HP loss from the ICE. Nice job Toyota.... Coooool.
minimal need here since we only get a few hot weeks a year (will probably exceed that number since summer only half over and we have already our normal share of hot weather for an entire summer already) i am surprised at your setting. with acclimation, i would think that 65º would be a bit uncomfortable. was it more temperature or humidity that was bothering you? if humidity, i wonder if adjusting the vents closed might help reduce the moisture faster? i wish i had the weather options here. we have 100% humidity every morning here, but it burns off before noon to where we actually have below average moisture in summer. (in winter, the humidity rarely gets below 80%...even on rainless days, the average humidity is 100% here)
Have a Gen III three weeks now. Through 80+ weather in North Carolina, A/C is fast and effective. I like that it is electric and independent of ICE operation.