Hello, I am having my NAV Screen Freeze up on me while driving. I am in a brand new 2010 pck 4 with Moonroof. It's like a bad DVR, it will freeze on the Map screen and then after pressing buttons with no response, it will slowly go through every single one of the clicks. When this happens, half of the screen goes black and displays 3 lines of "calculating". I called the dealer, they said they would "look into it". Anyone know what's up?
There is another thread here discussing some freezing of the Navi, but seems to occur primarily on the entering of an address or POI, as it narrows your search after each letter you type. However, the photo that you posted seem to me like a very different issue, and one that seems almost like defect in your navi. Please us know what your dealer says.
Yeah, it feels like a defect in the Navi. I just bought the car 3 days ago, It would really stink If I had to wait for another Navi unit to come in and get installed. I feel like they should just swap my car for another of the same.... don't see that happening though.
Exact same thing happened to mine. Only at highway speeds, it's the system trying to calc the next exit. Fix is to disconnect 12 volt power for 5 minutes and it will reset. Best to do it at the 12 vot battery negative cable, but you'll lose radio presets and any trip/MPG info. Wayne
Yes, this seems to happen right after I get onto the highway! I'm a bit of a car novice, are there instructions on how and where to find the 12 volt power I need to disconnect? Also, do you know if doing it myself would in any way void my warranty? Thanks!
You can always go to the dealer, it is a warranty issue. They would have to drive it up to highway speeds to confirm. Tell them to call the tech people in Torrence if they don't believe you. Wayne
Yes, I think I will as I am scared of this computer on wheels... They also have to take off the annoying reverse beeping anyways. Almost crashed yesterday because of that...
Well, really it was a combo of things... I'm not used to the dimensions of the prius (had a camry before with better visibility) and I feel blind backing up even with the camera. So backing up, radio on, beeping comes on over radio, and then I got a call on the bluetooth majig which I am also not used to. Almost hit a pole because I was too distracted.
Could be a bad/dirty DVD drive, bad NAV DVD, or a bad DVD drive (requires head unit replacement as far as Toyota is concerned). Get to a point where you can reliably reproduce it, then bring it in. May help if they have a demo car you could compare it to.
Success!! I brought my prius into the dealer today to fix my issues. Luckily I had taken a picture of the freeze because otherwise they would have thought I was crazy. At first they told me that PriusChat is not an official Toyota sites, and they could not take into account anything I was telling them. Then they looked at my Nav screen (while in park) and said it was fine. I told them to call toyota headquarters. They called me an hour later to apologize and say it is a documented glitch and they have fixed it (by doing exactly what was recommended on this forum). They even switched my backup beep! All of this was done for free as it should have been. I have yet to take it onto the highway again, but fingers crossed that all is well.
This just happened to mine. I've had the car for a week. took it to dealer, and they didn't have a clue!!!! So, frustrated, I removed the nav dvd, reloaded it, and now it seems to be working again... major pain..