I have a 2006 Touring and have recently noticed that if the car is in ACC mode (one push of the power button without brake), and I switch on the driving beams the MFD goes blank, the radio turns off and the MFD displays the start-up screen and then returns to normal operation. Has anyone else experienced this?
Hi Phoenix. I'm not sure that I understand the order: 1) Push (POWER) once to get into ACC mode. 2) Switch the headlights on (?). 3) The MFD goes blank, the radio turns off. 4) The MFD displays the start-up screen. Does the radio come back on? Have you fully powered up the car or are you still in ACC? I just want to make sure I fully understand the situation before I offer up a guess.
Sounds like it could be a bad 12 volt battery and about the right age car. Of course I'm just guessing.
I agree. From the time you push the power button (makes no difference if you go to ACC or IGN mode), up until the time the inverter comes online and begins to recharge the 12V battery, there's a heavy load on the 12V system as all the computer systems come up. With a healthy battery, I've noticed a 0.5 to 0.7 volt drop during this time. If you have a marginal or tired battery, the drop could easily exceed 1.0 to 1.5V.
What they wrote: quite likely the 12V battery is near the end of its life. Measure its voltage at the jump point under the hood, or use the self-test procedure: Checking 12v Battery Health - Hybrid Car Forums
I have ordered the 12v battery, but there isn't any stock available in the country, I'll have to wait a while.