You will need to pester your salesperson occasionally but not daily. First, as soon as he (she) tells you they have one allocated from the port to match your order they will have a A status on their "dealer daily" (computer screen showing thier allocation of all cars). When that happens that will also list the ship it is being transported on. There are several threads, one specifically where someone tells you information about the location of the boats. I believe Virginia is also in the Central Atlantic Region but you'll need to verify that (West Virginia is). If so then your port is Newark. Once the boat is off the coast of California / Mexico it will show up in one of the web links posted elsewhere on GPS tracking the ships. You'll basically know when it hits the Panama canal, Jacksonville and then Newark. With a little research you can see when other posters got their cars that are on the same route. Earlier shipments were like clockwork, but this latest shipment from the New century 1 seems to be taking a few days longer for delivery to the dealer. Look at the current thread on the New Century to track taht particular ship and note the timing. Once it hits Jacksonville it will take about 4 to 5 days to be at Newark and unloading. It is then taking about 10 to 14 days to hit the dealership (some places shorted, some longer) Once you know your ship has hit Newark you could then call your salesperson to see it go to F status (wait to ask about 2 days after the ship docks). Once it hits F your dealers next update will be G status. However as I have found out that doesn't necessarily mean he has it. Mine hit G Monday but it still is not there. The actual last ETA given me was 8th (tomorrow) but they have been arriving early. Each status update will have an ETA (estimated time of arrival) for your dealership.
OK, so I'm waiting all day to get the call and it never comes. I decide to go to Walmart to buy some wax and cleaning supplies for tomorrow when I'm sure it will come in. About half way home I get the call. It's in! We immediately go over to look at it. I told Kip I just bought wax for it. He said, leave it here I'll have them wax it in the morning. OK! (I'm lazy). He's going to set the reverse beep to "single" and the tire pressure to 40/38. I said I think the rest is OK I get $500 off MSRP, free Toyota All Weather Mats and a free 8gb iTouch + free wax job. Will go in to the dealership at opening in the morning and do the paperwork and pick it up in the afternoon when the wife can take me over after they prep it. Prius V w/ Nav Blizzard White w/ Bisque Leather. I'm ready to roll!
I'll work on that tomorrow when I take some decent pics (and figure out what / where the little postcard thing is)
You know I wondered what the shout was I heard yesterday! Best wishes and happy driving! :whoo::whoo::whoo:
I took some between the trip from the dealer and going back to work at a piece of property I purchased for a future retirement home. I'll post them tonight when I get home.
Congrats on getting your car! I am jealous....mine was on NC1 but the dealer still says they haven't gotten it yet. I am starting to get suspicious - is it reasonable that it still isn't at the dealer yet, given that the ship docked on 6/25? Anybody else still waiting on a car from NC1?
I didn't realize until a few weeks ago as I tracked times that Newark is the port not only for CAT but also for the northeastern (don't know the name) region. The delivery times between the two had wide variances. MY area was getting cars a week before the northeastern people were. In this particular case my car took 5 days longer than earlier shipments so it could be that the northeastern states would be 5 days longer as well, so you may still be a week out before delivery. Did your dealer give you an ETA? One thing that didn't make sense too was that people complained about not being able to get a V/w NAV abdnd that all of the V's were with no options or the AT package. Yet they arrive on the same ship My NC1 car arrived on the 7th.
Okay, that's good to know. He didn't give me an ETA - he was kind of vague and said there was no update yet. But I didn't ask him directly about an ETA, just if he had heard any updates. I spoke with him yesterday but will bug him again for an ETA tomorrow or Monday if I don't hear anything until then. Any other New Englanders have gotten a car (or are still waiting) from NC1?
If it came in on the New Century 1 he should be able to go to his dealer daily and see his allocated cars. It will be in A (allocation) F (Freight) or G (ground) status and it will show up with one of those for sure after it hits the port. The ETA may change with status but it will at least have an ETA for that current status. I will say a lot of salespeople really are not computer literate and this is a challenge to them. Several of the guys at my dealership were enjoying when I came in asking update questions since the manager (whom I dealt with) was checking for this info. Several of them started looking at DD but in one instance looked up the wrong car. It's not cut and dried so give them some slack, but they should want to learn how to do this. For sure the manager can do it.
I'd just tell him you understand there is no update, but that for the last update you would like to know the ETA shown. I can't imagine this isn't at least in F status. It's been a while and other ships have already docked at newark. They can't just let them pile up.
It apparently just went to freight yesterday (!) and has an ETA of 7/13. I got a VIN too, so I feel better about it. Don't like the waiting though!
I don't really know about the availability of the SR. I got a V and they may have an unspoken for blue V real soon, Not sure about the options.