If you don't know what to fill your netflix queue with or you just don't know what to do with that Christmas Best Buy gift card, may I suggest "The Wire." It's the HBO baltimore cop/drug dealer drama. Four seasons. The best series ever.
wow, as long as i have been with netflix, i am amazed at how much i fail to find. their search options really need to be looked at. i have the first 2 seasons queued, should get the first disc in a few days... its an HBO series... have had waaay too much success with previous HBO offerings to even think that i would be disappointed. thanks for the info!!
I agree. Best series ever. I recommend watching with closed captioning or subtitles because the combination of Baltimore accents and street talk can be daunting. As soon as I have some extra money I'm going to order the complete series and will probably watch it a gazillion times.
How could you not love Omar? Without giving too much away to those who haven't seen it, one of my favorite parts in the series is when Omar is testifying in court; so good. While Omar and the "Bunk" are entertaining, on balance, I have to say that my favorite characters are either Cedric Daniels (i.e. the Lieutenant that heads the detail) or Stringer Bell; both of them are just so interesting as characters. Actually, as I was writing that previous sentence, I thought of 3 or 4 other great characters that could make that list. That's the thing that's so great about this show; all of the characters are so interesting and three-dimensional.
Yeah. I loved that scene too. If you youtube omar and court or lawyer anyone can watch it. Damn, you're right. Cedric was definitely the man. Stringer was also a great character. Was there anyone who didn't feel sorry for that guy?
Sheeeeeee-it! What about Clay Davis? Wallace? D'Angelo? Bodie? Slim Charles? Snoop? Marlo? Michael? Lester? Herc and Carver? Bunny? McNulty (aka What the F__k Did I Do?)? Kima? I could go on for hours.
Pay tenshen, hon: Merlin: Ah herd sarns at sod the hass a bat hunnert toms lass not. Itsem Ann Earl Canny farn gins. Standard: I heard sirens outside the house about a hundred times last night. It's those Anne Arundel County fire engines. Merlin: She raider boskle from Droodle Pork to dantan Ballmer wither oz clazed. Standard: She rode her bicycle from Druid Hill Park to downtown Baltimore with her eyes closed. Merlin: The Hard Canny Toms sayz the canny cancel pace pained bon ambalances. Standard: The Howard County Times says the County Council postponed buying ambulances. Merlin: Pitcher bane seat owen. Weer goon danny ayshun. Standard: Put your bathing suit on. We're going down to the ocean. Merlin: Ah sawn ambalance good dan Rosters Tan Raid a bat a huunert molls an air, nit was porn dan rain. Standard: I saw an ambulance going down Reisterstown Road about a hundred miles an hour, and it was pouring down rain. Merlin: It spaced a snaid mora. Better pitcher snay tars owen. Standard: It's supposed to snow tomorrow. Better put your snow tires on. The above and more at: Maryland Humor Hon, you'll only hear heavy duty Ballamerese like this from older natives, still living in historically blue collar sections like Dundalk, Highlandtown, Pig Town, Hamden, etc. In reality, real Ballamerese is dying out... blame it on language homogenization by TV! A sad thing.
Freaking hilarious. Nice kid/guy. Nice guys finish last. Wise, but not wise enough to get out of the game. Didn't like him at first, but then grew on you, then you know what happened at the end. Who was that again? Bad asses to the nth degree Cool and cold cat Who? Smart guy. Odd couple goof offs. Funny in their incompetence Who? Is that the homeless guy? Didn't like him. His drunk act didn't seem authentic. Easy on the eyes. Good cop. You're right.