Hello all! First post here. My wife and I just got the new iphone 3G S, and we need to remove our old phones from the bluetooth setup. Anybody know how to do this? I haven't had any luck when navigating through the menus or the manual. Am I missing something? Thanks.
I have an 07. and my US-based display looks a little different than others I've see (from pictures in the forums). I do NOT have the option of deleting old phone profiles - I have 6 slots for phones, and they are all taken up. I have a new Blackberry Bold 9700, and I cannot get it to pair. I am begging to suspect the reason is that all my bluetooth slots are taken, and I cannot figure out how to delete or modify the ones that are there (I can only change the phone name, not the device ID #, or get a choice to add/delete). Any ideas?