I just saw a new Prius commercial. It has Steve Young in the park telling everyone about his Prius. A mime tries to move away from him and eventually tells him to shut up. "Prius - People can't stop talking about it". And then it shows Steve alone on a park bench looking for the next person to tell. Very cute!
I think I was watching something on TLC. Maybe it was America's Ugliest Bathrooms or Trading Spaces. I was shocked when I came back from the kitchen to hear the ending and then, since my TiVo was on, replayed it. Pretty funny.
I think that the Steve Young Toyota ads are produced for the Northern California Toyota dealers. So if you're not in Northern California, you probably won't see them.
In LA there is a commercial with people walking and car wheels turning, but no one going anywhere, except for a Prius which passes through the scene.
That commercial was first seen during the Super Bowl. The fact that the Steve Young commercial was on TLC instead of a network is what surprised me the most. I had to do a double take and then replay it. I wondered how for these commercials were shown.
Has anyone been able to successfully extract video from a TiVO or similar digital recorder? Is it possible?
Yes, it's quite easy - that's what the "Tivo To Go" feature is designed to do ... that assumes you have a recording with the commercial in question in the first place.
Saw this commercial too last week, but have not seen it again since! I don't remember what I was watching at the time, though.