After 3 weeks of driving (900 miles) some trivial notes. Be interesting if these are common and irritating to others. 1. The instrument panel dimmer dial is not backlit. 2. Front doors sound tinny when opening with outside handles. 3. Never switches out of Recirculation mode to Outside Air when in "Auto". 4. With Auto set to 75, interior gets PLENTY cool. 5. Rearview mirror pulsation with audio bass. 6. With a bit of rain, the lower hatch window quickly gets spray/spots. 7. The dark dash top and screens for audio/HVAC are dust magnets. In the overall scheme of things, this list is minuscule compared to the huge list of all the good things the 2010 Prius encompasses.
3. Never switches out of Recirculation mode to Outside Air when in "Auto". I think someone else mentioned this in a different thread, but I have had no issue having the air in recirculation or outside while using "auto" air. I always use "auto" for the air and typically keep it in recirculation mode. However, I had to switch one morning while using the window defogger and was able to switch between outside and recirc while keeping it in "auto." I know this isn't a solution, other than to suggest that it is possible as I have used both on "auto." Hope you can get it to work for you!
1. it's a dial.. it only goes up or down.. directly related to the lights in front of you. putting a light in that dial is a waste imho. 2. ... so?... do you really want it to sound heavy? that makes me tired just thinking about it. 3. you live in florida... too much humidity?... 4... isn't that a good thing?. that means the new systems put out more cold air than before... i'd rather have really cold air coming out than fans blowing like crazy. 5. hehe.. cool... mine does that too but i have subs. it's just enjoying the music too! 6. duh 7. the whole car is a dust magnet... shrug? are these really complaints? or... are you just showing off that the 2010's have more bass than our previous models?
so... a quick thought. since the prius has plasmacluster.. does it have the same smog sensor that the camry has.. in the sense that if outside air isn't good enough to help inside air.. it will leave it on inside air? i assume there's the same old humidity sensors too. recirculate with A/C on reduces humidity.....
3. I actually like this feature. I've had cars that switch automatically out of recirc mode, and it's annoying to have to switch it back. 4. I've noticed that the AC definitely gets pretty chilly, pretty fast. I normally keep a car at 72-74, but I am keeping my Prius at 76-78. That's with ECO mode on. 6. I agree that this is annoying. The rest of the car stays pretty clean, but the lower part of the hatch glass shows every speck of rain and dust. I'm now keeping a cloth in the hatch to clean it from time to time.
1. The instrument panel dimmer dial is not backlit. Never noticed a negative. 2. Front doors sound tinny when opening with outside handles. Save money. Lighter so you'll save gasoline. 3. Never switches out of Recirculation mode to Outside Air when in "Auto". 4. With Auto set to 75, interior gets PLENTY cool. cool 5. Rearview mirror pulsation with audio bass. turn down the bass, or install a new mirror that can take it. 6. With a bit of rain, the lower hatch window quickly gets spray/spots. Use rain-x! Love this stuff 7. The dark dash top and screens for audio/HVAC are dust magnets. most cars usually are.
I remember reading something in the manual about a humidity sensor, so I think your assessment is dead on! Good thinking Cobra!
Yup, the GII also has a very dirty lower hatch window. Caused by the airflow over the spoiler creating a vacuum cavity below it. A better diffuser would probably make it even worse. I carry a "Swiffer Duster" in the car at all times! You can find one with a short handle. Works very well, and I don't get worried when dusting the dash as it appears it won't damage the projector mirror. I keep it under the hatch floor in the cargo tray along with the "California car duster" (for the outside).
You should not leave the a/c in recirc mode unless you want a moldy smell in your a/c. Plus its better and safer to have fresh air coming into your cabin.
The back window below the spoiler still gets dirty using it but not as badly, so I'd say (as suggested by others as well) Rain-X it. My Gen II got filthy same as the 2010 but it helps a bit if the surface is slick(er) with the rainx on it. I noticed the rearview mirror vibrating immediately after buying the car from the bass but honestly I love it, it reminds me that I finally have bass compared to my Gen II. One thing that does bother me is that A/C screen. During the day when the sun is in front of you, and esp if wearing sunglasses, it is nearly impossible to see that screen. That really needs to be addressed by the engineers. I'd almost like to see them replace ours if possible, for me it is really that bad.
The first long trip I noticed the air was in recirc after 40 min of driving. Changed to outside and it stayed there. The next two trips it did switch from recirc to outside automatically. I suspect it starts on recirc to cool down faster. The change would then be a function of how hard the compressor is working to maintain the cabin temp or getting to the set point? We turned ours up to 75 and it is comfortable there.
Yep.. all the same here.. And.. I noticed my outside mirror vibrates as well with the bass.. quite annoying..
Well, while I still do not have my car yet, to be picked up on Sunday, I hope. I will have to look into these issues. I am now trying to see if the dealership will be able to turn off the annoying beeping and seat belt beep when I get there... I can't get an answer yet. I like the recycle aspect staying on in the car for the A/C. The outside air in Florida makes the interior of the car smell at times.
Since you're getting a V you'll also have the plasmacluster which when active should help eliminate odors from the cabin...
Don't have to worry about outside air being bad, as the Prius comes with: CFC-free automatic climate control with electric compressor, dust and pollen filtration mode, humidity sensor and air filter
Replies inline - some based on my 5+ weeks of driving. It wasn't on the Gen 3 either. It's either too hot outside, or you're using ECO mode. I've noticed ECO forces recirc (need less A/C power to cool inside air vs. fresh hot air). You can override via steering wheel or fresh button. I use Auto/78°F for better FE. In AZ, compared to 100°F-110°F, 78°F is pretty cool! Gen 2 did this as well, and it doesn't get better w/ age. Gen 2 did this as well. Automatic car washes also can't reach under the spoiler, making this a "must wash by hand" location. Gen 2 did this as well. DashMat helps hide the dash dust, but the lower stuff needs regular dusting. Previous gens are chrome covered plastic as well. In the gen 1, the chrome was more of a sticker that started to bubble from the hot AZ heat after 7 years.
1. Used to it. None of the Toyota rheostats are illuminated. It's rarely used anyway. 4. Yep. First thing I noticed on the test drive. 5. Yep 6. Yep. Was wondering how useful the camera will be if it's always dirty 7. Yep, esp. with the smooth black dashboard of our '05.