I was wondering if there is any kind of fees if I want to order a 2010 Prius since the dealership doesn't have any? Like deliver fee or something? So I can figure out the math for the total price. I'm from Houston, Texas
Just the normal destiation fee. You won't be "ordering" a Prius, you will be specifying a certain package and color out of that dealer's normal allocation. Its not a "special order" from the factory or anything like that.
Your dealer likely will want a deposit of $500 to $1,000 to hold your place in line for a new 2010 Prius. You won't get into "fees" until actually placing an order or completing the purchase order: title fee, doc. fee, license fee, etc.
The standard delivery charge in our area is $750. The Prius II that we drove at our dealership was MSRP Priced at $22,950 including: Prius II Base: $22,000 Delivery $ 750 Carpeted Mats $ 200
$805 in Texas, $775 in Flordia and even cheaper I think from the Newark NJ Port. Seems like the further they haul it the cheaper it is???
No, there are not normally any special fees associated with putting a car 'on order.' If anything, the dealer is better off without having to maintain inventory on the lot. The paradox is they are usually more willing to deal on cars in their inventory so the interest clock stops ticking for them. Some dealers are upcharging from MSRP and calling it an 'availablity fee.' Boo. But that goes with buying a high demand, low supply vehicle. Along with a real lack of bargaining power on the price. Go in and expect sticker plus standard destination fee and if you can sweet talk them into anything less, it is gravy. But for budget purposes, plan on full price.
The bargaining power is with the price of a trade in vehicle. I managed an extra $1000 on my trade in when I told them I'd buy the unsold Prius III Pkg II sitting on their lot immediately.
Hi , most dealerships are doing deposits.. we include destination fee in the MSRP . So for us it would be MSRP, $100 process fee, taxes and tax..... some dealerships are separating destination fee.. we've a few dealerships in this area to tell you $500 off msrp and then add destination fee .. stefcat:cheer2:
Hello, I just put a prius on hold today at a dealership. I am wondering about a couple of the fees - please help me to know if I am being jerked around. Prius IV: $25,800.00 Solar Roof package (includes Nav): $3600 Floor Mats: $200 Delivery Fee: $750.00 Total price of car: $30,350.00 Tax (7%) = $2124.50 Doc = $276 NJ Registration and Inspectioin = $299 Tire = $7.50 Grand total = $33,057.00 So the registration is fine, and I don't know what the tire is for $7.50, but I don't really care. But what is this "Doc" fee? he said that they take care of the "plates registration and title" is this fee BS? Please let me know - I pick it up on Thursday. Brad
Yes, it is BS, but probably the most persistent and universal BS in the fantasyland of auto sales. You can try to stonewall them, if you like, but in my experience it almost isn't worth it. I've seen both higher & lower doc fees, and usually just taken a deep breath & succumbed. Good luck. (At least you managed to score a IV w/roof - they're pretty much MIA around here.)
Here in AZ, the "Doc" fee is pure profit, but also non-negotiable w/ most dealers in the valley. Mine claimed it was lowest of all stores in the valley and "budged" in other areas to offset the cost. A small doc fee to cover actual costs and time is reasonable - but anything much over $50 is profit IMHO.
There's a regular $750.00 destination fee that you will pay. I bought my 2010 Prius II in Boulder, CO at the base price of $22,000, plus destination fee and a few trinkets (all weather mats, Blu Logic Bluetooth - at at standard $299.00) and extra tinting ($260.00).
Oh, I also forgot that my dealer had a document fee of $299.00, which is charged to handle the title work here in Colorado.
Check your states DMV website to calculate tax and license fees. Here in SoCal a 2010 comes out to $3048 ($381 lic + $2667 tax). All the cars I've bought in the past with friends and for myself have had ONLY these fees applied. I have a deposit on a III (Thanks Dianne) and don't expect any surprises. It might be a California thing that dealers aren't allowed to screw with that in their pricing but that's just speculation.