Hello! Does anyone know how to remove the rear seat on the 2009 model? I searched and searched, but all the posts refer to 2008 and older years. It looks that the seat has changed a bit on the 2009 -- there are no hooks that hold the cushion in place, it's some kind of plastic clip now. Can't figure out how to detach it. Did anyone install seat covers on 2009 model? Any advice would be very appreciated.
There are total 3 hooks on the rear seats.. 2 are located in the front of each cushions and the last is located in the middle all the way in the back. You need to put your hands under each cushion and push upwards.. The last hook should be eash to remove once you remove the front hooks. PM me w/ your email, I'll send you the diagram, or you can searh here and find them yourself.
I can't see any hooks. There are 2 plastic clips in the front of the seat on both sides, about 15-20 inches from the seat edges. I tried pulling in all directions (quite hard), but it doesn't lift. I'm afraid to pull any harder. Maybe I should try to take a picture of the clips. Are the seats on 2009 and older models exactly the same? I saw the diagrams (here, for example: http://jaygroh.dreamhost.com/prius/...epair Information/Repair Manual/SE - Seat.pdf). Can't see any hooks that look anything like on the picture (page 15).
Like the instructions show, part of the wire frame of the seat bottom loops down and plugs into the plastic clip in the floor (one on each side). On my '06 they lift up with moderate force.
You may have to use some force lifting up. I was as scared as you probably when I did it about 2 months ago.
Novice, Yes, mine is also 09 as well with less than 5000 miles...... I am one of the people who upgraded the fabric seat to Bartlette leather a while ago... PriusLewis is one of the person who guided me during my process.
The seat has two clips holding it. It takes a quick pulling up force in order to lift seat. Watched a mechanic do mine and I did it also. Are you trying to replace the left/center buckle assembly? My 2009 buckles are flipped from the factory but too short to accommadate a childs booster seat and also a center passenger. Good luck getting the seat up and if you've our problem, good luck getting help from Toyota.
I don't suppose you still have the factory cloth seat covers. We just got a used 09 with leather and my wife hates leather. regards