Are There Any Non-Liberal Conservation Groups?

Discussion in 'Environmental Discussion' started by majordude, May 8, 2005.

  1. vistagrande

    vistagrande New Member

    May 14, 2005
    Letting the big oil and energy companies write legislation that caters to their needs at the expense of the safety of the American people and the environment is a solution that you are proud of?

    This Republican congress just shot down an amemdment by the Democrats that would put SUV's in the same catagory as cars when it came to fuel efficiancy and force manufacturers to raise the MPG standards in the next 6 years. Sounds like a solution.

    Don't give me the morality argument. Starting a war based on lies is about as morally bankrupt as you can be.

    I dont' have a problem with Republicans. I have a problem with people who look at this administration with any amout of credibility and continue to apologize for them based on Party Lines.

    You are hurting this country and the furture of your children and mine by not expecting more from the leaders of your country.
  2. eastercat

    eastercat New Member

    Mar 29, 2004
    Dallas, TX
    Someone mentioned that the Dems haven't
    produced decent environmental legislation for
    quite some time. That is true for the Presidents.
    Nixon's (who still needs his nice person impeached) term
    marked the start of the EPA. Mind you, the work
    of people like Ralph Nader probably forced his
    As far as GW Bush goes, he's motivated in
    furthering the interests of his corporate donors.
    The best (or worst) example would be VP Cheney
    helping to formulate the energy plan after meeting
    with executives from oil companies. However, Cheney
    forgets to meet with people from the EPA to
    environmental/conservation groups.
    Whether you consider this a good or bad thing
    depends on your opinion. However, the administration
    is supposed to represent all parts of America--
    not just the moneyed interests. That means
    bringing in different points of view to help
    decide any kind of policy.
    Can you imagine what Bush's energy policy
    would be like if the Sierra Club, Audubon Society,
    Earth First, and Greenpeace also got a say?
    I for one would like to see SUVs have a higher
    mileage requirement.
    has their list of offenses that Bush has
    committed. It's not focused solely on the
    environment though.

  3. Schmika

    Schmika New Member

    May 27, 2005
    Xenia, OH

    I am a conservative, realist, pragmatic, compassionate, and caring Prius owner (just under a month). This thread started with a good question then some very rational discussion but then BAM :cussing: the name "BUSH" fired up the emotions. He is destroying the environment and ruining the country. blah, blah, blah.

    Let's be honest, WE have the country we deserve becaue WE elect them all. Remember, congress makes law. They should be the first people we hold accountable.

    I don't agree with everything President Bush is doing as the executive officer, but I am proud to be an American.

    Think globally and act locally means- stop griping and DO something.

    What do I do you ask? Well, I bought a Prius, I car pooled before that and still do. I am involved in the Master Gardener program and am a steward of the little part of the world I live in. I avoid A/C when I can (in my home). I reduce first and recycle second. I educate, educate, educate. I plant little seeds instead of ranting and being ignored.

    America and it's ingenuity is the last, best hope for mankind. If you don't believe me, just offer to turn over environmentalism to any third world country, or even many first world countries, and see how they do. I mean, turning off the population explosion and returning to all natural habitat just isn't going to happen.

    The problem with things like the Kyoto (sp?) treaty and others like it is that it really won't solve the problem. Man will fix his/her problems when it is in their best interests to do so. An environmentalists job is to show how this will occur. It is the nature of humans to refuse to do anything they are "forced" to do.

    Finally, an example. Emotionally, I was totally against buying a car from Japan. I mean, BUY AMERICAN was my motto. Well, I have been hoping the big three would get into this hybrid thing but the best they come up with is an Escape that will get in the mid-20's mpg. For cryin out loud!

    My desire to SAVE money and help the environment (see, selfish interests) broke that down. I needed a new car anyway.

  4. billysimmerson

    billysimmerson New Member

    May 29, 2005
    Dallas, Texas
    I haven't had a good laugh in a while but given the state of our country and our current quagmire in Iraq, this one really tickles me.

    Forget Osama, lets get them gay people!
  5. Fredatgolf

    Fredatgolf New Member

    May 6, 2005
  6. jeffn

    jeffn New Member

    Dec 19, 2004
    Long Island
    I'm in a real minority-a vegetarian republican for 30 years, but moderate on both. I consume some seafood since 1992.
  7. envlaw

    envlaw New Member

    Jun 27, 2005
    Denver, CO
    You bet there are. As background, I am a lawyer for a non-profit environmental group called Earthjustice. Several of my clients are from conservative based groups -- most notable among them is a group called Republicans for Environmental Protection. Check out there website at

    Another good conservative group with more of a focus on wildlife preservation is the National Wildlife Federation. This group is made up largely of sportsman and hunters.

    Many people don't know this, but the Endangered Species Act was written by a conservative congressman from California -- Rep. Pete McCloskey -- and was signed into law by Richard Nixon. Similarly, the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and numerous other environmental laws were cowritten by republican congressmen/women and signed into law in the 1970s by Nixon.

    I wish we can get more of today's republican politicians to return to their roots and provide more support for clean air, water, and land!!!

    Mike Harris
  8. Patrick1

    Patrick1 New Member

    Jun 12, 2005
    Fort Myers, Florida
    :) I don\'t know about groups but as an individual, I\'m a Christian, Bush supporting techie pragmatist.
    1. The max speed limit in most of this country is 70 to 75 and the Prius does that with ease.
    2. My wife and I do a lot of traveling since we are both retired and our small 17\' RV at 15 mpg with minimal to no motel bills no longer breaks even when compared to a Prius and Wayside Bed and Breakfast.
    3. When we rest at interstate rest stops, the battery driven airconditioner fits the bill (short term) nicely.
    4. It\'s comfortable to drive long distances. (We have test driven one).
    5. It has everything we want and nothing we don\'t want.
    6. In short, the Prius makes sense to our lifestyle. That is the reason that we are buying one. We take delivery of our package #0, Seaside Pearl next week. (Took 4 weeks - not bad!).

    8) :clap:
  9. skruse

    skruse Senior Member

    Apr 6, 2004
    Coloma CA - Sierra Nevada
    2007 Prius
    The Sierra Nevada Alliance ( is a consortium of over 80 member groups than have an interest in the sustainability of the Sierra Nevada. The Sierra Nevada is the source of 70% of California's water.

    The Alliance has five general guidelines:
    1. Sustainable natural ecosystems
    2. Strong local economies
    3. Broad-based public involvement and support
    4. Rational water use
    5. Solution to a problem cannot be to transfer the problem someplace else

    The SNA serves as an umbrella that helps member groups (local efforts, regional results). The SNA conducts economic workshops that serve local communities and shepard grants to restore and sustain whole watersheds. Participants at the annual conference have included public utilities, elected officials, cattlemen's associations, residents, hikers, watershed groups and families.

    The SNA was the major effort behind recent enactment of the Sierra Conservancy - to channel money into the Sierra Nevada for economic and conservation purposes. (