Hello, I was told today by a dealer in NY that the Prius 3 with solar was not available for 6 months. Only on the Prius 4 right now. Is that true? Thank you for your help.
my understanding is that is by region and what they have available. In my region...I was able to get a III with the solar panel and sun roof.
Thanks! I'm wondering if it's an East Coast thing or maybe they didn't order any and rather sell what they have.
Might be true, might not. Depends on your region. For Texas (GST), they have just started building IIIs with SR; they won't be delvered for a month or so.
Yes, it's by region. Southeast region actually has some III's with Solar Roof already. NY region doesn't show it as an option on the Build Your Toyata site. Maybe that will change in 6 months.
we were lucky and got some of the first release of the Prius, we were told by Central Atlantic toyota that they are forecasting to increase the number of solar panel roof being built in Japan for the month of July.. so we know from the boat tracking on this chat group we can guess the middle of next month???? We have several package three and fours just navigation..:cheer2:
I think you should contact other dealers. I've found one who says my prius will arive in 2- 3 weeks and others that said it will take a year! I think some are trying to scare you (or they can't get one). Of course the one I ordered may actually take 6 months....we'll see. I didn't feel like they were lying. They sell quite a few.
Wow, so she was the only dealer who was honest with me. All the others wouldn't say, they kept asking me to come in, what a waste of time that would have been. Thanks
The dealer here in Hawaii said they are allocated four Priuses with the sunroof per month for the WHOLE state. They are back ordered for 180 days....
I ordered (2) #3 with solar on 6/20/09 from a metro Atlanta dealer. My silver one is due in Jacksonville port on 7/17/09. They hope to get my wife's red one on next week's allocation. Hopefully it will be on the next ship. Good luck.