Am I correct in assuming that there is no way to secure the contents of the cargo area when handing off your key. In other words "No valet key?!!" I'm a snowbird who is used to traveling to & from FL with half my belongings in the trunk, as well as using valet parking around town. Also, where does one hang a trash bag? Or are we Prius owners so futuristic that we don't have trash? However, if these are the worst problems I'll have with my 2010, I'll pull up my big girl pants and deal with it.
Unfortunately, there is no locking compartment for the Prius. Someone configured a locking gun locker into a Gen II a couple years ago. The trash goes into the Mr. Fission in the rear of the car.
No locking compartments unfortunately. There is a rear bin available that goes in the middle "hump" as an accessory in Japan.
I use a nylon trash bag that hangs under the headrest (& in the lap of a rear passenger); fastens w/ velcroed straps. You drive around MD w/ your pants down?
Being a hatchback instead of having an enclosed trunk, physical security is pretty much impossible, short of using a cage like they have in police cars. Tom