what was your speed? I'm a newbie with the prius and I'm trying to learn as much as I can thru this chat. Thanks.
Funny how everyone is different. I have used nothing but ECO and am getting 55mpg on average. Going to read the rest of the response now
Speed limit is 55 mph, curves and mountain grade cause lower speeds so average was about 45-50 mph. The indicated mph in the display seems really slow, however!
eco mode is useful for a newer driver not quite used to the "feather-light" touch on the gas that helps to improve your mileage figures. but you can use any mode and still get the same stats, it simply requires more concentration to do so is all. there is so much difference in the pedal response from Eco to pwr its almost like a different car. in fact, eco can be looked at as training mode
I'd call ECO mode more useful than just a training mode. For some drivers, they simply don't have the foot control and ECO would help smooth this out for them. ECO also throttles back A/C to improve MPG, w/o turning up the temp artificially high and then dropping when the cabin cools, it'd be hard to replicate that behavior. I've used ECO so much that when I switch to power for passing or quick merging, I find it to be "too much" at times! :lol: All depends on what you're used to.
Just to clarify...from my observations there are six modes in total because the EV mode can be applied to any of the other modes. 1. normal (not ECO and not PWR) 2. ECO (ECO light is lit) 3. PWR (PWR light is lit) 4. normal + EV (EV light is lit) 5. ECO + EV (ECO and EV lights are lit) 6. PWR + EV (PWR and EV lights are lit) The mode of normal/ECO/PWR relates to how responsive the pedal is in terms of power-demand vs amount of pedal depression (plus in ECO mode some adjustments to AC and heating) The EV mode (when allowed) causes all power to come from the battery. EV mode can be started only when warmed up AND the battery has 4 bars or more AND you are going less than 25 mph (and maybe other conditions that aren't as obvious). When partially warmed up there is a 10 mph limit rather than a 25 mph limit. You exit EV mode automatically if you exceed 25 mph (10 mph if not fully warm), OR the battery drops to 3 (or 2?) bars, OR you accelerate too fast. There are probably other reasons that will exit you from EV mode such as the catalytic converter is too cool. 3PriusMike
ok what about all three modes being lit up?? i wonder what that really does? never noticed that you could turn on more than one mode at a time
You can't do that. If you are in ECO and press PWR then ECO is cancelled. If you are in PWR and you press ECO, then PWR is cancelled. 3PriusMike
I've been driving in "normal" mode for about a month and have been averaging 51 MPG. Today, I decided to try ECO mode for a change. Definitley more sluggish, but I drove 86 miles and got 56.5 mpg. The best I got today in ECO mode was 59 MPG. It's tough in stop and go traffic, but works out nicely at cruising speed. Also, it seems easier to keep it within the HSI Eco range at a steady speed.