I purchased a 2010 Prius at a dealership about 5 weeks ago. they placed the order and could not give me a delivery date until they hear from the factocy. To date they say they have not heard anything? Has anyone else had this situation, seems unusal that toyota would not respond quickly.
Search the threads. They place thier order with the regio and wait on a match from thier allocations.They do hear from the region and it appears so far what they have heard is nothing yet.
When you place an 'order' with Toyota it isn't really an order for them to have your car built the way you want it. It's just letting the dealership know the car you want and then they begin to look for it in the inventory on ships coming into the region. Once they find it and can attatch their name to it, then they'll know your car is coming in.
I found this thread in the 2010 Prius Forum. There are pages and pages of threads. Some topics get discussed over and over as new buyers check in. But newer threads don't always get the attention since some people don't want to respond to the same question. (This is one feature I like about Edmunds_the ability to catergorize) There is a search feature I believe but I simply look at the titles (sometimes misleading, and sometimes when people get off subject there is good information that doesn;t necessarily match up with the title) As for most of the "ordering" questions go back to the dates in late may to early June when people were ordering, the ships first started coming in and people were having to wait (like me) for a car to come in that was unallocated and matched their choice. There are a lot of variables. Some cars with certain options are lower production, some dealers don't get large allocations, some dealers had long waiting lists, etc. If you wanted something pretty common and were dealing with a large dealer I wouldn't think at this point it would take 5 weeks. My dealers has gotten in about 5 shipments of various sizes with about 7 or 8 cars but has not gotten the V I wanted. It's supposed to be in Freight and due in Tuesday. It doesn't always seem fair that some dealers would get a car exactly like I want as part of their unsold allocation when my dealer had the car sold, but dealer size and allocation plays a lot into when you will get your car.
I see you're in Ohio. I'm not sure how that region works but if you're close to PA or WV they have been getting steady shipments in at Newark for over a month (about every 5 to 6 days). I had a IV coming in on the 4th ship but passed on it when a V became available on a later ship.