ok i admit the manual AND the remote control are smarter than me. so...im trying to program the opener to open all the doors instead of just the drivers door. they indicate that i should hold down the open button while im pressing the closed button for 5 seconds. it makes a funny beep and then does what the heck it wants which is to only open one door. someone smarter than the remote control please help this dumbass. thanks fred from nashville
You can't do it on a model II. Even the IV and V can't do it as they can only have 3 doors: driver, front passenger, and hatch.
The model II SKS system only has one sensor - on the driver's door. However, it can be programmed to open either only the driver's door or all five doors. I don't have my 2010 Prius yet, so I can't tell you from experience what you might be doing wrong. Please be sure you are following the procedure in the owners manual completely. Make sure the power is off when you are doing this. The dash should be totally dark and the LED on the key fob should be off. Then press and hold the open and close buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds. You should hear a ping and an icon should light up on the multi-information display showing which option was programmed. Other people have reported problems setting this option. If all else fails, go to your dealer and ask them to set it for you.
thanks for all your good input. believe it or not it decided to please me by opening all the doors and the hatch. why or how well im not sure. it does seem though that the instructions work but you may not know it immediately. so ill see if it keeps doing what i want by opening all the doors. i do like that much better. im also enjoying the remote start i had put on friday. fred from nashville
Hold both open & lock buttons on remote for approx. 5 seconds UNTIL you hear two sets of two beeps - 4 beeps. Repeating this will revert back to only driver's door opening. (Info first gained on another's post).
Hey, just driving a Prius puts you two classes above dumb@#$ no matter what else you do. Besides, if you're over 50 things just don't work like the instructions say they do the first time you read them. (I'm already dreading the NAV. Never figured it out on the TCH but I'm determined to this time!)
Here's a video that shows what to do: Interesting that ToyotaUSA's comment says you can only program it on the IV and V. Let us know if it works.
i do have a series II. now it is great to hit the remote or smart entry and have all the doors and hatch unlock. much more conveinent for me