Something Missing? I was in a little rain storm this evening and was wiping my 2010 down inside my garage. I looked at the top of the windshield and there is a 3/32 or 1/4 inch gap between the top of the windshield and the forward edge of the roof! I then checked the rear window and there is about the same gap between the top of the hatchback window and the back edge of the roof. I was wondering if they are all the same? Anyway it did not leak, but it looks to me as if it could have been finished a little better. Anyone else notice that?
Normal I guess. Same on are 10 Prius and my 08 Tundra. All recent Fords I have had have a gasket on the top of the glass.
Yeah that sounds about right. Remember that most of the new cars no longer have an external window frame for the windshield and the rear window. The frame is now hidden underneath the glass for a cleaner look (which also explains why the black border is thicker on new cars). Also, the gap serves to catch the rainwater and drain it around the sides so the windows stay clear... well at least the rear window functions that way.
Thanks for the reply's. I didn't really think something was missing, but just thought a piece of external trim would have finished it off better. Thanks again. Jim