I got it last night and I have been driving it all day. Takes some getting used to after driving an 06 for 3 1/2 years but I looooove it! This is Package V with no Advanced Technology, just Navigation. These photos are not in direct sunlight. It was already all shade in the area by the time I gotta around to snapping these. Thanks for looking
Why thank you You are the guy who changed your front headlamps (the part that is not LED) to a whiter bulb right? because I think I am gonna do that!!
It looks just like mine, lol, except I have the NAV. I agree, you have great taste in cars. FWIW, my wife picked out the color for me. Congrats!!
Haha thanks! I have a question for you then. I just started another thread about this, but when you first got your car, did your brakes make like an airy noise everything you'd hit them? I think it's something to do with breaking in a car but I wanted to see if you know what sound I am referring to.