OK - I have Googled. I Bing'ed. Can't find. Am out of ideas. Anyone seen or find a Toyota Prius watch? Send me link(s)? I need to find one for someone!!!! Dianne
There are a few Toyota wristwatches on Ebay, but nothing Prius. Do you know that they exist, or are you just hoping they do?
I do not know -- did you? LOL. Anyway, I have some old friends (a couple) who had a Prius watch and then it was lost. They are trying to replace this watch for him and can't find one. I know we had some in parts department a few months back but not anymore. I was trying to locate a link for them to buy one to replace his lost one, thass all.
I think a Prius wristwatch would be great. But would it be spring wound and then run on battery for 20 minutes before switching to mainspring power, or vice versa?
there was this issue from 04 on .. there were watched and other goodies but people were waiting for the prius to be upgraded since it wasn't capatible with the current fobs... i would ASSUME that the prius is new enough to work now?... but.. yeah.. good luck finding them still....
Here, Dianne. Yahoo! Groups This is the only thing I've found, and it's dated 2004. Guess you might have to find someone that worked at the dealerships during that time frame. Good luck!
Dianne, Some years ago I had some watches made up with custom dials for a company recogition/motivational program. They were a real hit... a home run in fact. :cheer2: So, I know you can have one made up. However, IIRC you need to order 5, or maybe 10. Todays problem is it looks like there are skads of companies that do this sort of thing: [ame=http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=custom+watch+dial&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8]custom watch dial - Google Search[/ame] Hope this helps.
Be careful what you wish for. They do in fact exist... at least for the JDM Gen II: Watch Key Fob at ~$400 IIRC. from this thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-audio-electronics/15837-new-smart-key-watch-toyota.html
:eyebrows::evil::spy::doh: Miss Dia Is this what you be lookin for? Flickr: Please wait... Flickr: Please wait... Flickr: Please wait... Sorry this one is priceless! Enjoy as Always! :thumb::wave:
Yes, dear. Something as such. I have had Toyota trinkets thru the years... my favorites were the neat tags for Prius that shifted design... I grabbed a ton of those at a car show in the early 00's and mailed them to many ... wish I had kept one for myself. Oh well. If anyone spots a Prius watch for sale, alert me!!!!!!!!!!
I'll keep looking for one. I think I know who it is for.. I did find Toyota Hybrid hats at Frank Toyota (near San Deigo...)
FYI, Following is the Toyota Japan's official page. toyota.jp:Key Integrated Watch It looks the model 01 - 04 are vehicle specific, but the model D061 and D062 are for generic vehicle. However, I'm not sure whether they work on Prius or not. Ken@Japan