Look a little closer, there is a significant difference. Heck, I can even see the difference looking in the Prius catalog. They are made from two different type of displays. The right Hybrid side, is less crisp with jagged edges when compared to the left speedometer side. Maybe I just have bird vision compared to everyone else.
Strange. Honestly, mine's not like that at all. And I have bird vision, too! If it were like that, I'd admit it. I've got nothing to gain by saying mine's fine I just can honestly say that on my vehicle, there is no difference. And if there is, then it's far from significant since I can't notice it...which is a good thing I suppose!
I have a 2006 Toyota Sienna with the nav and seems the same as the 2010 Prius V with nav. As a matter of fact I like the prius nav better. Hozz
Has anyone checked the 2010 Camry Nav, 2010 Corolla Nav and Venza Nav? Supposedly this is the same or similar unit in those. Frankly I couldn't really tell the difference in the pics. What makes the Gen II Nav seem sharper is the Gen IIIs use of shadowing and gradients for that quasi 3D look and makes the buttons on the Gen II look crisp and flat.
I have a question about an almost deal breaker. To me the shift lever is just ridiculous looking. Why is it so perversely curved and why is it sparkly blue? Does it do something special? Do you think it can be replaced with a decent looking aftermarket shifter? No it won't be a deal breaker for me, but it's pretty close. That and the silly looking silver "blades" on the steering wheel.
Seriously you can't tell the difference in the pictures? Really? It is not a matter of the Gen II looking sharper, it simply is a fact that it is sharper due to the higher resolution screen. I am amazed at how many people can't seem to tell the difference between the Gen II and the Gen III screens. I am equally amazed how many people can't see the difference in the speedometer and hybrid dash screens. Be assured there is a difference which is not just observed but is a design fact. If you can't see then you are the lucky ones, as it won't bother you. But you really do need to get your vision checked because there is a difference. If it doesn't bother you then fine, enjoy the new Prius. I am the type of guy that can notice a nick on a vehicle long before others see it. This ability worked to my advantace as a kid, I was always finding money on the ground.
I think you're just unrealistically picky compared to everyone else. I can see that the two are different technologies, which they would have to be, but it would never even occur to me that its an issue, and certainly would not cause me to to buy the car.
Hello all! I finally got the news two nights ago that my car was coming in to the dealership on Saturday. Having/not having the NAV option was something I have been on the fence about ever since putting down the deposit in April as I've dealt with DVD based navigation before on other people's vehicles plus the $1800 in cost was definitely weighing down on the NO side. They said this one would not have the NAV option and I thought that would be OK, I could do a Garmin/Tom-Tom device for a few hundred. I did want them to add a backup camera option through the rear view mirror for $695 installed as I've got a lot less visibility through the rear window compared to my 2004 Alero. Just by reviewing things on the Internet there seems to be a lot of rear view mirror options for GPS navigation, turn-by-turn and backup cameras, so eventually I may want to swap this one out for one with more features, but these discussions help me as I didn't see the NAV on prior Prius vehicles, the few 2010 I have sat in have never had the NAV option.
AGREED, the bigger crime are those Dealers out there tagging on "market adjusted value" to profit, forgetting the whole purpose of these vehicle: saving money, and going green. GREED. To respond to Rest, Prius is a hybrid Green vehicle first and foremost, to perform those functions well should be the only priority, which I would say no one would disagree that Gen. III is fantastic, but also because it doesn't cost $30K to start. So at some point some cornor has to be cut. For me, I'm glad it's done somewhere else other than the Drive train, safty and more important aspects of the vehicle design. Think about it, I have a Pkg. II starting only at $23K+ and have all the safty features of more expensive BMW and Mercedes that cost near $35K+ - $40K. Go down the standard features list and see which are more important. Deal Breaker, I don't think it is. Maybe life has been too kind to you, and I don't mean it in a negative way. Time 4 a reality check.
I've bought two Prius from our local dealer. While getting an oil change I test drove a 2010 and then told the sales manager I was so offended by the ADM that I wouldn't do future business with them. Their response was to say they wouldn't apply the ADM to me but I still drove home because they didn't have what I wanted in stock. Three days later I got a phone call that someone cancelled their order for a III with solar sunroof in the color I wanted. I told them I wasn't interested in dealing with them so they sweetened the pot by offering me more in a trade in than I would have accepted. I'm now the happy owner of a 2010 III with all the features I wanted. This probably would not have happened if I didn't go in and complain to them. I'm still not happy about the greed factor but my sales guy said they were using the ADMs to move 2009 Prius off the lot. He also said the dealer had not charged it to some other customers. I don't expect much from car dealers so they certainly met my expectations.
I checked out the Tundra and it has the same Gen 6 nav screen as the Prius (and Venza and Camry). Corolla/Matrix might be different as they're using a "lite" version of the nav. I don't know if the screen quality is any different but their screen size is slightly smaller (6.5" maybe?)
And why would the dash display have to be two different technologies? There is no reason other than costs, that the right Hybrid side couldn't have been just like the left speedometer side. But if costs really were the issue then they could have made both sides of the display like the right Hybrid side.
first of all, let me state (i have just come in from my 2010) that i dont see a difference, but i am to the age where vision correction in some circumstances is recommended and i have a pair of glasses which i use about 3 times a year... ok, disclaimers aside, i "looked" and i dont see a difference. now the dash is meant to be viewed at a glance and i can see where some items might be difficult to decipher at a glance due to the perceived size of the object. now each side is not created equal simply because one side is farther away. this could be a reason why the resolution might be different, or at least the size of the displays maybe.
oi vey!!!... ok...HOLD ON!!.... . . . ok. now first of all, i have the 2006 which is the first year of the increase rez screen so a 2004-05 might be different. also, the 2006 is recessed and the 2010 is not. so screen size forgetting diagonal measures 2010......2006 W 6-1/16 ....6 ¼ H 3-7/16....3 ¼ so 2010 is taller, 2006 is wider. to be honest with ya, we need someone with calipers to get a more accurate measurement. the 2006 screen being recessed does introduce some error
I do have to agree with you. I looked at the picture of the display in the 2010 Prius color brochure and while the text on the left side is sharp and smooth, the right side is very low resolution -- you can actually count the number of pixels used for each character.
Hmm.. so they're similar diagonally across but the standard MFD is taller than the Prius-specific MFD on the Gen 2? Trading width for height. Hmm.... But I saw no difference on the Camry Hybrid with the Gen 5 nav. Their Energy Monitor looked as crisp at the Prius' one.
Anyone with normal vision can see the difference, even from sitting on the passenger side. This difference isn't a perception based on viewing angle, it is a design fact. I can clearly see the jagged edges on numbers and anything that is rounded on the vertical plane. On the speedometer side there are no jagged edges as everything is perfectly smooth. So you could say that the speedometer side has a higher resolution screen. If you don't see it or you do and it doesn't bother you then great. At times I wish my vision was like that, but it's not. I can see the difference between 720P and 1080i content on my HDTV. Even though my 20/10 vision isn't what it used to be, it is still my curse. So if things don't look right to me, I can't enjoy them. That is one reason why I never purchased the Gen 1 Prius.
the resolutions are different some see it more than others some are bothered by it more than others time to give this thread a rest