I was going to get a Prius II because the only difference between the II and III is the radio and $1,000 more in price. I do not need a 6 CD changer. I have not used a CD in 5 years. I use iPOD like devices or satellite radio. After reviewing the brochure I believe you can not direct connect a XM or Sirius tuner to the radio in the Prius II. Here is how it is worded. Sirius Satellite Radio (4,27) 4. Satellite radio requires a monthly fee. 27. Available on vehicles equipped with JBL Audio system. I am only interested in a direct connect to the radio not attenaa injection or a cassette interface. Can I direct connect a XM or Sirius tuner to the Prius II? How much is the XM or Sirius tuner for the cars with the a JBL radio? I do wish Toyota would setup a web site that list every possible option and how much it cost.
Another option for you would be to simply add a window mounted Satellite like a sporster, or other similar model, and use the AUX in to get the sound to the car. That would be better than FM broadcast to the radio, and there is no cassette interface, as they only come with CD. The advantage to a 'portable, window mounted unit' is that you will be able to pause and rewind, which is one feature that I miss most with the built in (Navi Version) of the Gen II Audio. I, for one, cannot imagine my commute without Satellite (and Howard Stern).
That is the configuration I have now. I have to press AUX on the radio and control the Sirius radio that is mounted in my center console. If the radio supports a XM or Sirius tuner all the controllers are done on the radio. That is my goal. I have a Sirius S50 that lets me FF and REV but the user interface is horrible.
I tried getting the info from web sites section that shows ‘Want more info? Chat with a Prius specialist’ They did not know anything at all. Why would Toyota put that on their web site and man it with people that can not help? They told me to contact my local dealer to help. I told them they did not know either. They told me to call XM radio. I told them I was asking about Sirius not XM. They told me to contact Sirius. I asked of they could hold while I called Sirius and they said no. They then told me to call their corp office at 800 331-4331. Again why would Toyota waste the money to put a section on their web to talk to a specialist and man it with people that can not help?
The XM tuner is included and integrated with the operation of the JBL stereo. Only have to pay the subscription fee after the three month trial.
Boy, usually you have to pay to get a stroke job like that!!! Also Sirius and XM are now one in the same company!!! Get a Roadie, or other portable unit and shove it into the aux in!!!
I am sitting in the waiting room of the dealer now. They have a Prius III with a sun roof that is out being tested. I have not been able to check out one with a sun roof yet. Here at the dealer they claim if you want XM with the JBL radio you have to add a box they can order. They did not have the price. It is amazing how many different stories I get regarding a simple option like satellite radio.
XM and Sirius are the same company but they do not make it easy. If you have Sirius it cost around $13 a month for all the stations including Howard. If you have XM it cost around $13 for all the XM stations. If you want some of the Sirius stations like the Howard Stern show they want another $4 a month. Everyone is trying to nickel and dime us.
Yes, but if you are an XM customer going to Sirius, and you still want (God only know why) Oprah or Opie and Anthony, then you are stuck paying for the $13 per month for Howard and all the rest, and an additional $4 to get the Best of XM. The better deal in both cases is to buy a lifetime for $500, and never deal with a payment again. (or you can pre-pay 3 years for $458, if you would rather waste money over a lifetime.)
This is all starting to come together. It is like putting a puzzle together to buy a car. It should not be this hard to get simple info. Here is where I am at. The Prius comes with 3 different radios based on what model you buy. 1.) There is a non JBL radio that shows it has Satellite capability. According to a Sirius dealer if it has a SAT button they can add either a third party tuner for either XM or Sirius. If it only has an AUX but you have to buy a complete receiver and use the AUX connect. Can anyone verify of there is a SAT button on the radio in the Prius II 2.) There is a JBL version of the radio that offers the addition of a 6 CD changer that does NOT have a satellite tuner. The radio does have a SAT button and a third party tuner can be added for either XM or Sirius. This is available on the model III, and IV not the V. 3.) There is a JBL radio intergraded into the NAV system that does have XM tuner built in. I do know if there is an option to change the tuner to Sirius. I am not interested in the NAV system so this option does not matter to me. This radio is available on the III, IV, and V. If anyone has additional info or can verify there is a SAT button on the radio with the model II I would greatly appreciate the info.
Judgeless, I've never heard of your option two. It was always satellite-capable (standard radio with XM antenna), or JBL with XM ready-to-go (includes the XM tuner). It wasn't part of the NAV upgrade, which actually gets a different construct because it only has a 4-CD changer. Always XM, not Sirius. I'm sure that there will be more clarification from actual owners. Rich N.
You should be able to add an aftermarket Sirius Tuner (SCC1 SiriusConnect? Universal Vehicle Tuner - Shop Sirius Satellite Radio) to almost any car. You will also need the TOY-SC1 ( Directed Electronics Toyota Compatible SiriusConnect? Interface - Shop Sirius Satellite Radio) adapter to connect it to the Toyota wiring harness. Together, they should be able to connect to virtually any 'satellite compatible' radio, which the Prius II comes with.
I had assumed I would be able to switch my XM subscription from my old portable unit to the Prius (willing to limit my use of XM to just the Prius) and drive down the road a happy listener. Instead, I was told by a service guy at my dealer that I would have to buy (about $600) a kit to have XM radio on my 2008 Prius, even though it has the JBL stereo system and an XM button on the radio control panel. I find that hard to believe, so thought I would get opinions from the real experts. Any comments to help me understand what I need to do? Thanks! Gatewaygal
If this is the case, I would simply move your portable unit to the Prius. If you are asking about a 2008 Prius, I would kindly suggest posting this in the Gen 2 Forums, as this is the 2010 forum. However, some folks here with a 2008 may be able to comment.
I kept it simple. Since I already had a Sirius Portable, and the car kit, I just routed the wire for the antenna through the center counsel, under the carpet of the passenger seat, under the door coping, up through the dash and the magnetic antenna stickes on the front speaker in the front dash. I always have a great signal. I can take it out of the car easily to another car.
I purchased a Gen III model II with no extras at all. I wanted leather and XM radio. The after market leather installed with heated front seats cost $1600. I also wanted XM as I have been an XM subscriber for at least 5 years. It was obvious that doing a kluge job with an XM Roady unit or other off the shelf do-it-yourself XM radio unit myself and using the magnetic antenna that it comes with would look like poop on the Prius dash, so I opted for the built in, dealer installed XM module that connects to the existing radio and antenna behind the dash. Works great and no ugly wires hanging around the dash. Only problem is that the dealer charged me $600 to do the installation. He said most of the cost was for labor to remove the dash or parts of the dash. Can't imagine that the module would cost much. Summary: The stock radio in a Model II is XM ready and only needs to have a module added (internally) to the radio and antenna behind the dash. Let me know if your dealer also charges you $600 for this as I may have been taken to the cleaners on the labor cost.
I do not see an option for buying a lifetime subscription on the XM site. Does that include the "best of" package? We currently have Sirius (Starmate) but I am trying to figure out what my best option is when we get a Prius. I'd rather not have a mount in the car. I've seen suspicious characters peeking into my car towards the mount seeing if I left anything there. I'd love to have the sat radio built into the tuner. Right now we are leaning towards the III model. It sucks that they have merged so many of the stations, but keep the best of packages separate to get more money from us.