I just bought a new Prius 2010. The dealer strongly encouraged me to get Lo-jack--an additional $1,100, as well as the extended service contract. The 3 year warranty covers when the part is deemed "defective" by Toyota, but apparently the ESC covers more. It is a new car. Do I really need to worry about this until the end of the Toyota 3 year, 36,000 mile warranty? It costs $1.800, but if I get both, Dealer will take off about $800. Then there is the paintless dents and dings package for 5 years. Cost is $795. This one sounded the most sound since it will keep the car looking better, free 24 hour emergency road service. It is for minor dents. Is this really worth it? Help!! Lots of pressure to decide. I have the fully loaded package, including moon roof, solar panels, etc.
Congratulations on your new Prius, I'll sure be glad when mine arrives. My recommendation: don't buy any of that stuff from the dealer. Toyota's Platinum extended warranty is available on this site for $1055 and you can make up your mind anytime within the next 3 years. Lo-jack is just not needed, the Prius would be very hard to steal because of the immobilizer system. Tell the Dealer "no thanks if I want any of it I'll let you know later". When someone tells me I "have to buy it now" to get this special price etc. I consider that a good indication that they are trying to scam me. Here is a link to the extended warranty and service contract available here. http://priuschat.com/forums/sponsor...rius-extended-warranty-service-contracts.html
NONE of those add-ons are worth the money. Lo-Jack costs about $695 direct from the company and that's for their best package with monitoring. I put lojack on all of my vehicles because I live in an area where flat-bed thefts are common (any car is vulnerable to that kind of theft), but unless the dealer is willing to sell it to you for what it costs FROM Lo-Jack, then I would not get it from the dealer. The extended warranty is not necessary in my opinion. The hybrid components of the vehicle are already covered for 96 months/100,000 miles and they are the most expensive parts of the car. Besides, even if you do feel that you need the warranty, you can buy it here on priuschat for MUCH cheaper. Paintless dent and ding removal is fairly cheap already. You would have to have several dents and dings removed from a paintless repair shop to even begin to approach the cost of the dent and ding warranty your dealer is offering. Pass on it. The deaer may push you to buy these add-ons. Just politely decline. If the dealer asks if he may know why you are declining, the best response is "I just don't want it." Any other response will simply cause the dealer to continue to try and talk you into buying.
If you are buying a Toyota you do not need an extended warranty. I have a 2000 4Runner Limited with 302,000 miles. Over the last 10 years I have paid less then $1,000 in repairs. The paint job is in perfect shape because I only get it hand washed. It has never gone through an automated car wash. I have received a few small dings that I had taken out by a service called The Ding Doctor. He charged $50 each time. If you have car insurance there is no reason for Lo-Jack.
Of course they're pressuring you. It's high profit for them, meaning that you don't get much for your money. Just Say No until they go away.