I picked up a Wii last week and it's pretty cool. Anyone have suggestions of good games, etc., to try?
If you have a family or a group of friends, MarioParty8 is always good fun Bomberman Blast (Virtual Console) is addictive too. You can play with up to 8 human players on 4 Wii-motes and 4 GameCube controllers I'd leave the sports games to an XBox or PS like NHL, NFL, NBA, Fight Night etc
I agree with Tideland except for the tiger woods franchise. That is a ton of fun and harder than using the other consoles, so it challenges you more. Mario kart is a must have.
Though not really a game, strictly speaking, Wii Fit is a lot of fun. My daughter says its a good yoga workout & I like the balance games for us old folks. My son & his family like Dance Dance Revolution. When I tried it, the "audience" booed me! I apparently can't tell my right from my left or my hands from my feet - but it was great fun, even as a spectator sport!
Just scored on a Wii as well, garage sale find. In addition to the standard sports game, there was a steering wheel with it (kind of lame) and the Disney Pixar Cars game (mildly entertaining). I hope to score on the Wii Fit, that seems to be the most useful accessory for it. I think my wife may be into the dance pad as well.
Thanks for the info. I think I'll spring for the Mario Party 8. I have the Wii Fit right now and it's a blast. The balance games were kicking my butt till I realized how much work I needed...lol geting better every day now... yea!!!
I have all three. Wii Fit Advantages: It's probably the most "fun" of the lot. Disadvantages: You have to go through the stupid menu between each exercise. The only one that gives you an aerobic workout is the jogging. My Fitness Couch Advantages: Good overall workout, probably best aerobic workout of the three. I highly recommend you get jogging weights and a step thing. Disadvantages: No way to select which particular exercise to do (or not do). Doesn't give you enough time to get or put away your step thing. If it's time for you to do a Physical Evaluation, you don't get to do anything until you go through with it. EA Sports Active Advantages: You can select exactly which exercises you want to do and in what order. Best continual feedback of the lot. Disadvantages: On many of the exercises (mostly the ones which combine two at once), if you need to hold the wiimote at 37 degrees and you hold it at 36.5 degrees or 37.5 degrees, it will tell you you're doing it wrong. It says it's Balance Board compatible, but I think the ones that use it are better without the board (eg, on skating, with the board you just life a leg, without it you have to physically jump).
Wii Fit Mario Kart Wii Punch Out!! Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Super Mario Galaxy Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess World of Goo (Download it from the Wii store for $10) I have my eye on Wii Sports Resort, too.
I've enjoyed the Shaun White snowboarding game too. It can be played with just the Wiimote or with the balance board thing.
I just tried the snowboarding game on Wii Fit tonight and man that takes some getting used to. The balance games really showed me how much work I need. lol
I love the balance games. They really show you how out of balance you really are, even if you feel stable while standing still. I also like how it shows you how much weight you put on each leg (it's in the daily fitness test section). The ski jump is annoying me though. i can't seem to get the really good jumps. I mean, I do have one record but it has to be a fluke because I can't get myself to do it again. On the other hand, my brother has no problems. Oooh World of Goo!
It used to be the people walking down the street talking to themselves were...unusual. Now most people have a cellphone, and the behaviour's not so strange. Watching the neighbours bowling in their living room - or golfing, or playing badminton - not three feet from their TV, is going to take some getting used to.
I have it and love it!!! I really need to start using it again. Especially after all of this holiday eating. I love it much more than the Wii Fit since it is so easy to customize your workouts.