OK, I live in metro-Detroit. So, my 10 day old, ribbon blue Prius was keyed in my driveway. It was keyed around the Prius emblem on the back of the car. It will cost me slightly over $300.00 to have it repaired. At the body shop, the owner told me he gets about three Toyotas a month in that have been keyed. This is my first Toyota. Is this a common thing in other parts of the country, or does it only happen here in Detroit? I just cannot believe that someone would damage private property in this manner. Suffice it say, the Prius is now safely in the garage and our Jeep sits in the driveway.... Sad state of affairs if you ask me.
I think a lot of it has to do with politics. I have sure read it in the newspapers more than once. Both Prii and Hummers get keyed because of their political symbols. I'm hoping that my new Prius (still on order) will never have to face the same crossfire.
That sucks! Here in California it's the Hummers that get keyed. It's still wrong to key any car, Hummers included. Karma will come back to haunt them...
Sorry to hear about your new Prius having been keyed. I also live in Metro Detroit and am waiting for my Blue Ribbon 2010 to arrive and I have thought about this too. There are destinations that I will avoid taking my Prius if at all possible. At home it will always be in the garage. It may be another reason I consider longer term plans to move out of here. Do those that do this realize around here that will accelerate rust due to road salt, which will result in a replacement being purchased sooner? They may be helping sell more Toyotas!
bummer about your Pri man!!... but i think the area does have a lot to do with it. when we did the PC Reveal in Detroit, was there 3 days and did not see one single Pri (except for Wayne's which doesn't count since he was one of the invitees) now, i live in an area that has embraced alternative fuels and green living big time... so i guess its time to say that a few days ago, someone egged my car. oh well, what can you do?
Sorry to here about your Prius... But I glad to see someone else from Michigan. I am still waiting for my 10.
Sorry that you got keyed DetroitFlyer. I don't think it's necessarily a Detroit thing, anti-Japanese thing or class thing. My Prius got keyed once in Manhattan and once on Long Island. My brother's Kia Rondo got keyed in the wealthiest school district on Long Island. If anything, I think it's more of a kids' thing -- vandalism for fun.
It's just your local scum. Unfortunately scum is everywhere but some places are scummier than others. The hatch is aluminum.
I suppose unless you are able to catch and talk to the person or people responsible you never really will know the flawed motivation. However, a friend of mine lived in an apartment complex inwhich 2-3 people individually owned Prius. All parked outside. One day he came out and the people who owned The Prius's were all outside and upset. Somebody had come by and keyed and vandalized ONLY the Prius's. So I think sometimes The Prius can unfortunately and unfairly be a target. As Maggie pointed out, there never is a good reason for what is a mindless crime of vandalism in any case.
Sorry to hear about your damage--it stinks to have to cough up the $ due to some miscreant's immature behavior. Even worse that is it brand new and tainted already. I have had mine on order since Sept, and just picked it up last night. I spent many hours over the last year mentally debating the pros and cons of "stealthing" the car to avoid such "specialized" treatment that seems, in part, to be aimed more frequently at these vehicles. I was disappointed to read in this forum that the major rear emblems are secured via through-hole mounting. That shot down my idea of badge removal. I did consider badging it with a Chevy Volt tag if I could find one, just to see if
sorry--bad keystroke. I was curious if a domestic nameplate would prevent any such attacks. One would never really know, however, without a "control" vehicle parked next to the rebadged car at all times....and while interesting, it seems like just a bit too much work.... I do seem to notice a disproportionate number of Prius with door dings compared to the general populace. Either a result of thinner skinned panels or intentional malice. Several friends who now own 2007 & 2008's have several door dings, where in the preceeding 10 years of car ownership have had none. Since parking and driving habits have not changed, it does make you wonder.....
I think it is definitely the luck of the draw but with respect to Detroit which is really hurting right now I can assure you it definitely plays a part. I've had my car for 5 years now and have not been keyed yet and I live in the NYC Metro area. I certainly do feel your pain. I would probably wait a little while before you get that key mark fixed. The perp may be waiting for you to fix it so he can strike again and cause you more grief.
It's a low blow when someone resorts to damaging someone else's property - if they have a problem there are better ways of dealing with it rather than the chicken shet method - agree don't run out & get it fixed right away