Just curious if other families with a new 2010 Prius are having troubles with hoarding (ok you might want to call it sharing). I think my husband has hoarding issues. We love our Prius but by golly I wish the husband would let go of it more often. He has found very creative reasons to drive it instead of me . . . the intended primary driver. I drive 50+ miles round trip to work each day which may not be a lot for some folks but it is for our family. The husband on the other hand claims he needs the Prius for stuff like shuttling kids, groceries, errands, and family missions that the mini-van has done just fine prior to the Prius arrival. We have one key fob we always keep in the house and the other is always with the car/driver. That 'other' fob seems to disappear from my person and on to his person. Whats up with that! Of course this post is all in good fun and would like to hear of other hoarding complaints (I mean stories). I'm sure there are more creative ones out there.
Well, I have been the only one in the family to drive "our" Prius so far. It is "my" car, though. Our mini-van has become my teenage daughter's vehicle and my husband has his BMW 323i so...so far, so good. When my teenage son gets to driving age we'll have to see which car he drives. A family friend of ours that works with my husband is considering the Prius as his next car, and a few days after I brought it home he asked me to let my husband take it to work for the day. I said, "No way! I'm not letting him drive my new car (he's never driven a hybrid and would have no qualms about ruining my mpg) and letting it sit in a parking lot all day!" I then told him if he wanted to see it, he'd have to drive out here to see it.
My wife got her Prius last year, '09 touring, and while she let me drive it occasionally, she didn't want to risk her mileage by letting my lead foot test her car. Solution? I picked up my '10 last week, IV w/solar, and now she's mad that I get better mileage than her, plus that bladder issue she has, the car's of course, not hers. Even with my penchant for speed, I still get great mileage compared to the '05 Odyssey's 17mpg. Gonna' miss some of the room the Honda had but the mileage more than makes up for it.
Had to join just to reply to this post (as a start).... The 2010 was purchased to replace my Civic Hybird; therefore, it is "My" car . I asked my wife if she wanted to dive it (hoping she would say no and my MPG would be safe)...She said that it sounds to complicated to drive...so, I instantly agreed with her. :rockon: Guess my MPGs are safe until she figures out that it is not complicated...
Oh my, I love it! I did a similar thing - unintentionally of course.. I took my wife out to test drive the 2010 Prius - we are still waiting on ours. She liked the car but according to her "it has too many gadgets." :rockon: Woot! The car will be MINE! Yeah baby!
My husband drives a '95 honda civic, which consistently gets 40mpg (manual trans). His car has NO power anything. His only comfort option is the a/c. He had his '80 civic until he got the '95 and hopes to keep the '95 for another 5 years. He also says he will NEVER drive the prius. Too complicated. He tried to show aur neighbor the inside of the prius & couldn't figure out how to open the door. Sad, very sad. As for my 21 yr old twins; never, I repeat, never will they be allowed to drive the prius. I might them ride with me once-in-a-while, but only if they are nice to me on occasion. lol
I guess I'm not a hoarder as Mrs. Spinnr feels it's too complicated as well (she took a couple weeks to adjust from the Gen I to the Gen II). However, whenever we go somewhere, it's usually in "my" car and I'm driving.
I guess some of us just like high tech stuff with lots of bells and whistles. I personally think it is just plain fun to drive.
Many years ago when financial compensation was low and the price of an automobile was high, the "family" automobile was truly a shared entity among members of the family. In the last 20 years, the cost of automobiles (compared to income) has come down. Consequently it is very common for each member of the family to have their own vehicle, like a cell phone, PDA, or tooth brush. Therefore "Prius hoarding" may be a rather inaccurate description. Keith
Just to clarify... ...I was not a vehicle hoarder BEFORE I bought the Prius. Owning the Prius has turned me into a hoarder. (but I think really, it's the fact that the car is BRAND NEW...not as much as it's a Prius) Not sure if that's good or bad, but it's the truth. Maybe after the first few stains and scratches occur I'll be more willing to share. I'm just glad none of my family members have asked to drive it yet.
My wife and I have been married for 32 years and since then, I've learned a few lessons about buying stuff for her birthday and Christmas: It has to be newer, faster and better than mine - I have the 2003 Prius and she has the 2010 Prius. Avoid practical gifts - she still makes me use the rug cleaner even though I thought it was a great gift. Her Dremel tool works good too. She lets me run her errands in her car - so I take the dog for walks by the river and grocery shopping and fetching stuff. I ask permission to show it off - she likes to hear what other people think of this 'spaceship.' I handle the maintenance - including getting flat tires fixed, gasoline, e.t.c. ... So all in all, I'm happy that she has the new car and I'm looking forward to having 'any time' EV figured out. Bob Wilson
Strange the way things work. We enjoyed our '03 Prius (I say WE, but she drove it, while I drove the Camry), then traded the Camry in for an '06 Prius, which she drove, while I got the '03 hand me down, then have just traded the '03 in for a 2010, which she drives, while I get the '06. I thought it was SHE who promised to love, cherish and obey. (Just kidding.)
@gene4655 - You're describing our "deal", but in reverse! At some point my wife decided all cars needed to be kept for 10 years. Her concession to me wanting to have a new car every 8 years was that I get the newest one. Works for me, and now she drives the '04 Prius and I drive the '10.
Hoarding The answer? Buy a 2nd one! LOL! Errr... I do not know why I'm laughing... I've seen it dozens of times on cars. Folks fighting over their new cars will come for a second one. Especially Prius. Last month, I sold several duplicate Prii to couples who already have 1 ... and a family who's got 5 of 'em now!
As gliverm's Husband, I must get on the old soapbox... It is she who has the lead foot. Gave up a V6 and still can't maintain 50 mpg on the new Prius. I faithfully return the fob - leaving the trip meter above 50mpg. I pity my teenage daughter who is actually scared to ask her mother if she can get behind the wheel. I've solved some of the need to ask before sneaking off with "her" fob. I took a second part-time job that requires many more miles around town than before. No need for her to simply let it sit in a parking lot all day, right? Plus our NAV comes in handy seeking unknown addresses. Oh, LUV the handsfree bluetooth, too! Maybe if this works out I'll make enough to get that second Prius. (And yes, I've already got it decide if you asked = Barcelona Red IV w/ solar).