Oh great. Two more people I have to start paying off..... err....umm. I mean no... Seriously, Congrats to both of you!!!
Congrats to our new moderators. The success of the Gen III is obvious and stiff competition from Ford will guarantee exceptional products will be coming out of all the auto makers including Toyota. Long live quality cars.
congrats you two! as the size of this forum expands (noticed a large influx for new 2010 owners) more help is needed as the current mods have done a TON to keep this place on track.
Congrats you guys. The quality of this forum is very good and the discussions are respectfull, but it takes a lot of time to keep it that way. I know because i moderate a site myself. So it's great that the team has grown.
We've all benefited from the posts you two in particular have made and for that and future posts and work, thanks!
This brings to mind what a boss told me when I first made it into management: Congratulations! You are now a candidate for additional harassment. That's what it means to get a promotion! Thanks to you both for your helpful and thoughful posts and the insight that you bring to PC. Hopefully, we won't drive you too crazy (hmm, crazier?). Best of luck!
Good on you both for taking on this important roll. As many have already said, the forum will only be better for your increased involvement.
Danny, are you serious? Well, there goes the neighborhood.......... JK< Mega congrats guys!!! Anyone who assumes that responsiblity is entitled to hazardous duty pay!!
Alright why all the kissing up? Ooops did I type that outloud? Okay, Congrats guys, don't let it go to your head.
Sheesh, not sure how I missed this but congrats to you both! I'm sure you'll be seeing my "reports" soon.
I'll add my congrats as well. As the GenIII is not yet available in Australia, I haven't been in this part of the forum that often, but have noticed a massive amount of posts, which means that you will certainly have your work cut out.
I've been a moderator in the past so I know it is not an easy job. Thank you for the freedom to speak our minds.
Well, congratulations or commiserations, whichever applies! But what exactly do the moderators do? Are you charged with reading every post that appears on the site in reference to the G3 for instance? If so, seems like a huge amount of work for little return. How do you share the responsibilities? Day-on and day-off routine?
Whenever I'm on, I read as I normally would. Also look through "reported" (flagged) post and determine a course of action. If I spot something amiss, I do something about it. Fortunately Paradox and I only have Gen III scope - the Super Mods have the whole site to worry about!