Apple just pushed out iPhone OS 3.1 beta code to developers yesterday and one of the upcoming features is that voice control will be supported over bluetooth, which means that you will no longer have to speak directly into the actual phone to activate the command! :cheer2: Scott
One can only speculate but a possible reason to encourage you to upgrade to (buy) an iPhone 3G S. There could be other legitimate reasons though such as CPU being too slow on the non 3G S (unlikely) or insufficient RAM (more likely since the 3G S have 2x the amount of RAM).
Because there is a hardware limitation, it's not just about creating a new cool software and installing it in all iPhones. The new 3.0 software is the same in both iPhone 3G and 3GS, but only the 3GS hardware is capable of using the voice control feature. And I disagree, apple is not the WORST, they are really the best in my opinion, with the most innovative and creative projects. I'm addicted to their technology… Also, just a reminder, the new Turn-by-turn (Voice guided) navigator for iPhone with 3.0 software by Tomtom is coming up before the summer ends… supposed to be the best navigator in the market as apple engineers are helping Tomtom to develop this.
This begs the question, what other phone manufacturers provide updates as often and as enriched as Apple? Don't hate out of ignorance, it's a great product that more people SHOULD use, but for one reason or another, just refuse. No worries though, there's room for everyone. :grouphug:
Because the new 3GS has an extra 200mhz speed boost to cailitate the voice control. I'm pretty sure you'll find that the DevTeam will be able to backport the VoiceControl binary image to the older hardware soon though... As for being the worst, I'd have to disagree there. Having developed generic J2ME code and WinCE code, Apple's a breath of fresh air, at least at the SDK level. On all my old HTC/WinMo/WinCE phones, Micro$oft tried to charged me money for OS updates. At least iPhone users from 2 years ago are still getting new features added onto their phones for free. I'd say Apple is the second worst Dave
Voice control is hardware based voice recognition, ouf course it's also driven by software. The legacy iPhones lack this chip.
Apple is not the most advanced company. Most other Windows Mobile, Blackberry and Nokia phones have supported this function for over 4 years.
apple never really sets trend they just take what is popular or guess what will be and create their own variant that ends up being a great overall product with a few negatives
you guys didnt take the bait...i was just busting chops and trying to get a rise out of the self proclaimed apple fanboi. congrats on passing the maturity test. im one of the guys with an iphone that doesn't know half of the functionality of it. i only have like 3 or 4 apps loaded onto my fone. no time to explore it. fone, ipod, , email, internets and now bluetooth streaming are about all i use it for. impressive in its own right.