If I only knew some Japanese (Their "English Limited Version" is down): http://www.priusmania.net/ This is the site that has linked to us in the past. Forming a partnership with somone over there to import parts for us would be awesome.
First exerience is not so ecouraging: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4691 Backup camera ▼△ 投稿者 Alex 投稿日 2004/03/31 (水) 06:17 Email 編集 削除 Please help! I would really appreciate if someone can tell me what is Toyota part number for rear-view backup camera (just camera unit which is at the backdoor). Officially it called by Toyota "Camera Assy, Tele". Thanks in advance, Alex Geneva, Switzerland -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- このはづく 2004/03/31 (水) 23:13 編集 削除 Hello, Alex. I'm Konohazuku(it's my handle). Toyota "TV camera ASSY" part number is 86790-28090. Its price is 72,000 yen(about 530 EUR). I'd be happy if this information could help you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And this is wronng stuff (see above). Keep trying
I had a chance to see the Japanese wiring diagram. There is a big "TV control ECU" between the Nav ECU and the multi-display. This ECU handles the automatic parking feature. Besides, the camera output is NTSC composite but the Nav and the display have RGB. There might be unused input pins on the Nav ECU for TV camera. It is necessary for EU Prius without auto-parking. But this is not clear on the Japanese diagram. Maybe we need an EU diagram... Tosh Salsa Red BC + EVb San Diego, CA
Alex, His answer was not WRONG. You have not specified the camera is for Prius (NHW20). Why don't you ask again?
[Broken External Image]:http://www.trufit.com.au/Prius/Prius Hatch Wiring/IMG_0470_Small.JPG I've posted some images of the wiring in the hatch here http://www.trufit.com.au/Prius/Prius%20Hatch%20Wiring/ It appears there is a plug there that will do the job, but then there isn't a hole for the camera. I'll have to remove the otherside of the hatch and see whats there as well. Anyone else with any ideas??
Take off backdoor garnish: http://homepage.mac.com/boagh125/.Public/P...usBackupCam.pdf Camera hatchet / fastening place should be there...
Oh the wiring look is there, but there doesn't seem to be a hole to pass the cable through to where the camera should be. I've got to pull the other side off yet.
Pass hole should be there... Please be careful not to void your warranty. Untill we know that particular cam is 100% compatible it would be too risky try to plug it there. Once first successful installation is done, we can share our experience... I would like to verify that this 8-pin plig is the other end of the cable coming to the middle NAV ECU port. When I'll receive my Prius in two weeks, I will disconnect this cable from NAV ECU (Car off, battery unplugged) and will see what's changed. If nothing, then it's defenitely camera cable / camera input port.
I pulled of the cover today, and I saw nothing that looks like the 8-pin cable coming out of the NAV ECU. The only reason I pulled the cover off was to see about putting in a camera. The colors of the cable coming out of the ECU are nothing like the ones that are around the hatch area. I am starting to think that we will need to run some additional wires. Brian
Well its a bit of a catch 22 then isn't? SOMEONE has to go first. Thus the reason why I pulled him apart and took some pictures. My next testing is to confirm that the wires are the same one. Maybe a test light here while the car is turned off etc
At least two wires from free 8-pin connector at the rear door should go to NAV ECU. Others could be connected to the back lights for power. Disconnect battery and ALL NAV ECU connectors before doing your test, please, do not take too much risk.
I promised I would take a few minutes to comment on the efforts to obtain a Japanese camera and the possible installation in the American Prius. I can only answer as to the information and testing I have been able to acquire up until this point. The plug in the rear hatch unfortunately is not a camera plug. It is simply a ground connector (8 wires all connecting to ground a few inches away). White with Black Stripe wires are normally ground wires on a Prius. The metal frame of the rear deck does not have a cutout for a camera body so the camera installation is not going to be just a bolt on. The multi-displays and Navs can also be very different. Typically, the all in one units (MD, Nav, and CD all together in the dash) have a very simple camera connection in the back which requires only the detection of a camera being plugged in to enable that function. The American Prius unfortunately does not have such a plug on the MD. I do not have great detail on the extra connection point on the Nav unit which I have been asked about. It contains data network lines, does not have a power supply voltage necessary for a camera, and does not autodetect video. That is as far as I went. A Nav computer is an expensive piece of equipment and any experimentation without schematics is risky. I have added a great deal of circuitry and wiring to my Prius to accomplish the the video I have shared in my earlier posts. I am not going to elaborate until I have completed a method which is easier and safely repeatable. At this time I do not know of any plug in units which will interface directly with the Nav or multi display of an American Prius.
May I ask Dave to whom you promised? Up to now, I didn't hear from you about this particular matter despite my multiple messages during last few weeks... Thanks, your majesty, anyway ...
Actually it was mainly my wife I promised to post for : ) She was getting tired of me answering calls and writing hours of emails about the subject (and I'm sure there are still many which I have not gotten to yet) about a kit that I don't even offer and from the considerable amount of people who want me to chase down numbers and specs and wires and circuits without regard to how much time that really takes. Really, I am happy to do it and look forward to many of the ideas which are sent to me on a daily basis, but at the same time I have to eat and sleep and I have a couple of businesses to run so I do the best I can in the time I have left to help Prius owners and have a little fun making things for the Prius.
And Dave, we really do appreciate that and are patiently waiting for your next kits to roll off the development line.
Bravo, Dave! I like your positive attitude. Surely, by no means you're not obliged to respond to all these (sometimes weird, myself not excluded) requests. It's your goodwill, your valuable time (seriously), sleep deprivation (which is standard procedure with the baby in the family) etc etc etc. I'm not in position to go to another extreme after critisizing you, but it's quite clear that your contribution to this forum is very valuable. With full respect, however, I'll try to play evil advocate and (by no means pretending to be more knowlegeable) challenge some of your statements and assumptions about this [....] backup cam I'm fixed on... I still believe it's possible to find elegant and cost effective solution to this problem. Stay tuned (but take your time, it's not really urgent anymore).
Hi - I just pulled off this connector (the 8 pin one next to the large connector) on my 2004 option pack #9. The NAV features didn't work until I put it back. The LCD panel displayed a message saying the control unit was disconnected when requesting map screen. So, this cable goes to the dash and doesn't seem likely to be for a camera. Maybe the blue unused connector to the left?
Dave, I wonder if the blue port on the back of NAV ECU is Audio/Video input. http://priuschat.com/forums/viewtopic.php?...p?p=14914#14914
Maybe the "ECLIPSE KW-1275A" is all that is needed to plug in audio/video in to the NAV ECU... I have tried to order one from a japanese website... Will see what happens with that.