I recently tried to start my 2007 Prius and I had to use a jumper. I have been leaving the head lights on for safety, and I forgot to open the driver door to shut the head light off. After about 15 minutes it wouldn't start. My other problem is the power station I own has a lead that's to large to connect to the hot terminal. Does anyone know of an adapter that would work?
Do you mean the jumper terminal under the hood? If your clips are too large for that, buy a small alligator clip from Radio Shack. The 12V battery on the Prius isn't very large, so it won't last long if you leave a door open or your headlights on. Keep an eye on yours. It may be time for a replacement. Tom
Sometimes people mistake the threaded post and nut as the +ve jump start point rather than the folded strip of metal.