I finally got the call to come and pick up my Pruis after a years wait. What excited that my heart was throbbing while I was driving to pick her up.The moment I saw her it was love at first sight When we finished the paper work I was so busy at work that I had to leave her there which was hard to. When I returned it was night and when I saw her with the light reflecting off her Pearl Hair my mouth almost dropped open and I thought, That is a SEXY car. I know the previous "Tree hugging Pruis" has probably not been refereed to as that but with the lines and shapes of this Pruis. She's got the Color and the look to be called that and when you put her in the night with the lights reflecting on her. She's Drop dead gorgeous. She even talks real sweet to you when you are connecting your IPhone with her.So patient when you try and try again to get your IPhone paired to her. :hug: Pruis team, Put that in a commercial.
Beauty is in the eye of the" beholder" I see you don't have a GenIII, Do you need me to set you up with a date.
I agree that it is a very good looking car. However, I will think of mine as a very sophisticated, incredibly hot guy. I don't know why, but I have the feeling it's a boy.
FBW, Why do you think that? Does he make occasional sounds from the exhaust, not want to work on weekends, and leave the garage a mess? Actually I thought the OP was messing with us - when I open the pics they are completely black... ???
I saw a white one yesterday (we're a small town). It was probably the IV I originally was scheduled to take. I'd have to call it sexy because when I saw it I got excited. If it was a handsome "male" car then I'd hope not to have those same feelings.
Yeah, he's OK with it. My car will just be my "toy". I mean, he (the car) is after all very young and needs to be "broken in" for at least 600 miles. Hehe. :smokin:
Well, let's see..... #1 - I can drive much better #2 - I would stop and ask for directions Oh wait, am I supposed to be talking about the car? Oh, I must have gotten off track. Ummm, why I think it's a boy. Just a feeling. Besides, it's better if I have a "special" relationship with my car that is a boy as opposed to a girl. I mean, if it was a girl, wouldn't my husband want to go with us everywhere? OK I'm bad I know. I can't get any pics either from the OP. It's just red "X"s.
Fine looking car. You're making me more impatient than I already am! I don't understand the year wait thing, though. How can you have placed an order a year ago, but only just received your car? ...when people have had theirs for several months now? I'd go crazy waiting for a year. I only started getting into the idea of getting a Prius when I first started researching and learning about the new Gen III models, which was only a month or so ago.
The Gen III was suppose to come out last year so I put a deposit on one and then when they delayed them for a year I just moved my deposit. The first one I had coming was wrecked at port so they had to fine another one for me and it just came in.
Ahh... I did not know that they were due last year but got delayed. But even still, being that you had your order in a YEAR ago, you'd think that you would have been one of the first to get yours, right? I'm sure that not everyone who has gotten theirs by now placed their order a year ago... Not to derail this thread and the Gen III Prius's undeniable sex appeal, but what was the delay due to?
Look up the "Dealer wrecked my car" thread... I see you went w/o the wheel covers on the wheels and went with center caps - nice touch!
I think that the Prius looks much better for 2010, but I notice most people can barely tell the difference in body style. I tell them how the Prius has become safer, quieter, smoother-riding, has more horsepower, and gets better gas mileage, but how come only we see how much better it looks this year???