Gang, this is a list of my available cars for early-to early/mid July. Some of these cars are here on ground, and some are inbound to me VERY shortly. If you see a car you need/want that you're comfortable locking up with a deposit or want to grab right now, call me asap. Speak now, or... you might lose the car to someone faster! That means we both lose! Just reach me to see what's still open and available. They all have a vareity of options, mostly mats and a few incidental PPO's. Prius 2010 II package white/charcoal silver/misty (1) silver/charcoal (3) black/charcoal blue/bisque winter gray/misty winter gray/charcoal III package black/misty sunroof winter gray/misty NAV blizz white/misty NAV IV package red/bisque NAV blue/charcoal NAV red/charcoal sunroof V package blizzard pearl/charcoal Call my cel, office line, or email me at [email protected] or [email protected] to snag one of these available cars!! And, please remember... I support the site with every car sold.
We (as a dealership) sell a lot of Prius, and we sell them quickly! I don't have a markup added to the sticker ... I personally have always sold a ton of Prius. It helps increase the allocations and thus, improve selection! I believe that I (personally) have sold over 1,600 Prius in my lifetime since 2001, perhaps more.
Well from what I've read here lately with dealers gouging people then you probably cleared $1000 per sale so you've made $1.6MM. and still driving a Prius! Cool! (I'm being sarcastic)
I gotta say, I don't make anywhere near that per Prius! I have a partner/associate here (Jane, some of you have met her when picking up your cars) and we split everything down the middle but even when you add our $ together, you're not even close. Geez, I wish!
wow sales must be really down or your a real prius lover.. mm looking at your post i gues its the last.. still sales are not what they used to be. buth putting nothing on a gen3 prius but even off it... i already like you as a sales person ;-)
Dutch (may I call you Dutch?) - sales are not down. My Prius inventory's high, and I'd like it to remain that way. If it means a small concession to make the cars "gone" by 10pm to earn more of the sunroof cars I need, then so be it!
Last week, I purchased my 2010 Gray Prius III w/Nav from Dianne. It was totally a pleasant experience. She lived-up to her representations on, no junk fees or unwanted add-ons are forced upon the purchaser, unlike many other dealers. If you are looking to buy a 2010 Prius and reside in the Southern California area, she will get your color and option choices. Richard :rockon:
sure you can call me that well over here priusses are offert with 5% discount over the standard price. dealers are falling by the bushess...economy but like i already told you .. you love priusses High PRIUStess:hug: me to
Thank you Richard! It was a treat to spend my afternoon with you... and I sure hope you're enjoying your Prius and its wonderful gadgets and gauges and screens!
John, I think that of all the cars I have been asked to locate - the unusual cars for our SoCal region, yours was one I really felt relieved and grateful to find from afar ... it was SO ultra rare, it was just meant to be in your hands! Di