Ok...so I ordered the ultimate lockpick 3 for my standard (no package) 2007 after confirming with the salesman that it should work. Installed it without a problem....but I got NO NEW DVD option! Its like the lockpick is not seen on my system. Nothing changed. HELP!.....anyone? Is it defective? The wrong lockpick? Impossible on a standard model? thanks in advance for any insight...
It's been awhile since I used the Lockpick on my car but I had issues with getting it to switch to DVD mode at first. I think I had to press the Mode button on the steering wheel to get it to switch to DVD. Otherwise I just had a blank screen. Not sure if this is your problem or not.
No luck with that. The prius still acts as if nothing new has been plugged into it. I'm thinking either defective lockpick or the wrong lockpick? I called and emailed Coastaltech support at 8am EST yesterday and have yet to get a response. So I am now on day 1. It's the weekend so I have no chance of hearing from them until maybe Monday.
Good luck with getting support from Coastaltech, unless they have changed their ways. Hope they have...
OK...after HOUNDING support with numerous calls, I finally got them to send me a replacement....and guess what....THAT ONE DIDN"T WORK EITHER! I can only assume that the coastaltech Lockpick DOES NOT work with the standard stock (no changer) radio/cd player in the 2007. Not sure what to do now, outside of giving up on it. Maybe upgrade my radio/cd to the MP3/Aux model try again? Any other ideas?
Thanks for updating us on this. I've been thinking about this product, but have been concerned by the by the reports here of the companies poor service record. Maybe you can try the new one on another car with a CD changer or one with a NAV unit. I assume you are trying to get video on this unit to play on the MFD? If it works there, then at least you have learned the product is not defective Do keep us posted please
I took a look at this myself and from what I found you can play DVD's, but only thru an aftermarket DVD add-on. It will not play thru the stock CD Player.
The lockpick actually should add a new DVD option to your audio mode selection. This mode is what you would select if you wanted to use the audio inputs and/or the video input and it should add this mode option regardless of any devices actually connected to the audio or video jacks. In my case, a new DVD option never appears in my audio mode selection, so I never even get off first base.
Giving up on the Lockpick.... I am sending back the two Ultimate Lockpicks 3's having no success with either. At this point, unless someone can state otherwise, my assumption is that the Lockpick WILL NOT work on the base radio/cd/mfd on a 2007 (w/o nav etc). THIS WOULD BE A BIG CATCH THAT IS NOT MENTIONED BY COASTALTECH! It could be that the MFD is slightly different in models that have NAV and is needed for the DVD function that the Lockpick adds(?) I have thrown in the towel and instead hard-wired my own AUX/MP3 plug to the radio and it works great...and was basically free.
Thought I would follow up with the conclusion... I returned both lockpicks to Costaltech. It was a big hassle with non-existant customer service and I had to dispute the second return thru my credit card (believe that?). Bottom line with CoastalTech is PURCHASE AT YOUR OWN RISK. My afterthought now is that the Lockpick might have worked for me if I had the ebrake wire grounded. I then purchased the A/V input adapter from VAIS. At first I only had audio after install. Then learned I had to ground the ebrake wire for video. I was told it was pin #8, which didn't work. Luckily someone on this forum mentioned pin #16 and that did the trick. Then I learned I had to cut the motion sensor wire and insert a switch to have video in motion when I want it. Everything works perfectly now. RCA inputs for any type of audio and/or video on the Prius MFD! I even showed the new feature to a date last night and she thought it was so cool. Thanks to the informative folks on this forum for giving my sex appeal a much needed bump.
It works on my 08 JBL system. It just adds another input. Pops up as DVD on MFD. That being said, I do not use it.