I used the velcro that came with it. Has someone come up with a better stick on that will keep it where you put it. Mine is on the dash right in front of the wheel. Thanks
My ScanGauge rides on the bean bag mount tucked under the Garmin & held in place with 3M Blue Putty. A bit of Blue Putty should hold it anywhere. Don't know what the putty will do to the finish.
The velcro won't stick well at all on the rough, dark area of the dash. I stuck the velcro patch to the smooth silver area just to the left of the MFD. It has held for over a year now.
I used regular 3M double stick tape, and located it on the steering column where the column goes into the dash. It was a tempoary mount 2-3 years ago just to see if I liked it there, and I never thought to move it. Same tape, works fine. I didn't use the velcro. By mounting it on the column, it goes with the column any time you tilt it.
I used the velcro that came with it and left the wire tied up and mounted the velcro next to the plug so the guage hangs from underneath and the wire bundle sits on the center hump
I stuck mine in a similar area but my dash is black/brown. The key is to stick it where it is easly viewed without having to take you eyes off the road AND not on the textured part of your dash. If you have a 2006+ then you have problems I can't address since my 2005 has the smooth dash and door panels.
3M makes a Velcro(TM)-like product called Dual-Lock, although it may be hard to find. There is also industrial strength Velcro.
Make sure you clean the area with alcohol first prior to mounting the Velcro tape. It will stick much better.
thanks all, still not having any luck. I used DAP blue stick and 3M bathroom tape with no joy. Will try to find 3M dual lock.
Did you try to stick it to the silver-colored piece of plastic (the part that holds the air vent) just to the left of the MFD?
I have my scan guage velcroed to my carpet dash mat. Only really high interior/dash temperatures have occasionally softened the adhesive to cause it to slowly sag but atleast it's not because it doesn't not stick to the textured dash anymore.
Thanks, I put mine there and will see how it works. I think it will work there fine since the weight of the scangauge will hold it in place.