Did Toyota fix the call log issue with the new Prius that plagued the previous model? The issue was that all the vehicles call logs would show incoming and outgoing calls as being an hour or two off (depending on daylight savings). Toyota knew about it, as I made sure of that when I discovered it in our 2006 and 2007 Prius. But dealerships, being uneducated about the Prius as they are, claimed not to know a thing about it. Maybe the issue isn't that big of a deal for most people as you can just use the call log in your cell phone. But for me if something is wrong I want it fixed and this could have been an easy software fix for Toyota.
I've got a different issue where my contacts have disappeared. I can go through a whole car ride and when I try to make a call it says that my contact list is empty. The logs are there working fine. It says I have 975/100 available slots to add new contacts, but it won't even allow me to access my contacts because it says I don't have any.....
Off topic but since it involves the phone/bluetooth... The screen that I really need I cannot seem to find now that was in my Gen II. It was something like quick tone. You were able to setup a tone and save it, so when on a call if you were moving and needed to enter say someone's extension you hit the tone button and then the button to where you saved it and it sent the tone out. Now when I call my wife at work and I am driving I have to fish my phone out from where I have it to enter her extension into the phone itself...
I've only seen it on the number pad (when the car is stopped). Are you able to do that and then save the number?
Hmm, I'm going to go look right now... Your talking about the Gen III right Tideland? This is amazingly the only thing that's been driving me nuts with my Gen III lol.
Nope, just went down in the garage and tried it again looking around... They seem to have gotten rid of it in the Gen III. I think it was called speed tones or something like that in the Gen II, it showed up as button on the right side either above or below the 0-9 button during a call. Oh well, guess I'll just have to accept not talking to the wife as much.
Yes, I've added contacts to the speed dial, 12 in total. On the Gen II once you were in a call on the right hand side there was a button that I think said 0-9 (which went back to the numpad but it would be locked out if moving) and then one below it which said something like speed tones, or something like that I really cannot remember the name for the life of me right now I just would hit it. It would then bring up a screen that while moving you could press a button to where you saved a tone like *182 or just any combination of tonesm that you saved as a 'speed tone'. Oh well, no real biggie, I guess it was soemthing that not many people used so they just dropped it from the menu... Ahh, wait, never thought of doing it but i wonder if I use up a speed dial and just make it a 3 digit tone if during a call I can press that button and have it send out the tone while still on a call... I'll have to try it I guess. Would've been so much easier if it didn't lock you out just because the car is in motion...
I believe you can actually store pauses and tones - i.e. for frequently dialed extensions or conference bridges, this would be quite useful.