<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Desdemona\";p=\"82364)</div> When you follow the link there is a note on the page that says: NOTE: Applications will not be accepted for Hybrids at this time Definitely good to bookmark the page for the day the law is passed. Glenn
Actually Senate Bill 732 is where we stand. Latest Major Action: 4/6/2005 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 68. http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d1...2@@L&summ2=m& Specifically: SEC. 1606 (a)3b http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/F?c109...Pd2P6D:e279699:
Glenn, You're right. I thought about putting that in my post, but decided not to. I just wanted to give everyone a heads up for the time when we can get them.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy\";p=\"82381)</div> Thanks for the correction. I figured it would get some type of separate Senate number, I just couldn't find it. BTW, the second link didn't work for me.
I noticed this blurb on the DMV form: Hybrids and/or vehicles powered by fuels(s) OTHER THAN compressed natural gas (CNG) or liquified petroleum gas (LPG) do not qualify. So does this rule out the Prius?
The PRESENT form rules out the Prius. When the Feds approve the bill, there will be a revised form from DMV.
This is a must get done thing. In Arizona I could get my commute cut in half. One of the fiasco's that happened hear a few years ago was allowing new SUV's and trucks to add a small compressed gas tank to their vehicle and get a High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV/Carpool) tag. They go flying by me every day as I set creaping along. I guaranty you these vehicles are NOT running Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) as was planned. Anyone we can e-mail to in senate to get support??
Looks like the bill that contains the Hybrids in the HOV lane will be coming up for discussion with the Senate: http://www.senate.gov/pagelayout/legislati...s/calendars.htm http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/D?d1.../temp/~bdZNIH::
I think that the Senate and the House have to iron out the diffs btwn their 2 bills. Like amendments made in the Senate. Then I think it's ready for Mr. Bush.
The Senate Bill (SB732) that was just passed has a provision allowing energy efficient vehicles that are rated at 45 MPG or greater to be allowed by the appropriate state agency to use HOV lanes without passengers. The House Bill (HR 3) that was passed earlier has just a statement that Congress wants to provide incentives for Hybrid vehicles including use of HOV lanes. It does not require 45 MPG and is therefore favored by Ford, Toyota and others. The House-Senate conference committee has to iron out this difference (and others) before the final bill is sent to Pres. Bush for signature. By the way, so far Pres. Bush has said he would veto it if the Senate's $11 Billion extra funding stays in. Keep watching!
You can't yet. California is waiting to update the application form until the federal authroization passes. There is currently an application form for non-Hybrid alternative power vehicles. Once it is updated, then hybrid owners can apply.
Just an update from the website: Latest Major Action: 5/26/2005 Resolving differences / Conference -- Senate actions. Status: Senate insists on its amendment, agrees to request for a conference, appoints conferees Inhofe; Warner; Bond; Voinovich; Chafee; Murkowski; Thune; DeMint; Isakson; Vitter; Grassley; Hatch; Shelby; Allard; Stevens; Lott; Jeffords; Baucus; Lieberman; Boxer; Carper; Clinton; Lautenberg; Obama; Conrad; Inouye; Rockefeller; Sarbanes; Reed; Johnson.
Anybody know if anything like that will happen in NY?? By the way, I saw another silver Prius today in Brooklyn
How does Honda do it? Honda ran a big newpaper ad in San Diego saying the Civic GX (Natural gas fueled) was legal to drive in the HOV lanes alone. What exemption do they have?
Natural Gas is considered to be an alternate fuel according to both California and federal law. Alternate fuel vehicles have been permitted to use the HOV lanes for quite some time.