I haven't been able to find any threads to explain the difference between 1-door SKS & 3-door SKS. I have a IV & have yet haven't been able to open the passenger door without the driver door being opened first. I switched the doors so that they all open when the driver's door is opened. The hatch opens with no trouble, but not the passenger door. It opens if the one with the fob (usually the driver) stands on the passenger side of the car. Since Toyota's instructions say for the driver to have the fob how does the passenger door fit into the equation?
The fob has to be within a couple of feet of the sensor for the door you want to open. If you're standing at the driver door or hatch with the fob in your pocket a hijacker, uh passenger, will not be able to unlock the car by grabbing the passenger door handle.
I think that you have to have the fob at the door you want to open.(Unless you use the buttons on the fob) I am not sure of this, but that is the way my 2007 works. I am going to pick up my 2010 IV this morning and will start to learn the new things on it.
There's a graphic on the owners manual with the reception areas around the car. The person with the key fob needs to be near the door they want to open.
On a IV you have 3-door SKS, which means the person carrying the fob can open 3 separate doors. The driver's door, the passenger door, and the hatch. Having the other doors unlock when you (with the fob) open the driver's door is a totally separate thing. This is a customizable feature, and the factory setting is that when the person with the fob opens the driver's door, only the driver's door unlocks. You then need to hit the "unlock" switch on the inside driver's door to open the other doors. The manual explains this in detail. I have noticed, however, that if you approach the hatch and open it, that all of the doors unlock. I believe versions II and III only have 1-door SKS, which means their fob only allows them to open the driver's door and no other door while the vehicle is locked. Hope this is the information you were looking for.
Also if you (with the FOB in your pocket) open the passenger side door, all the doors unlock. So if it's just the drivers door you approach first then by default only that door unlocks. This is changeable by the owner. See your manual for instructions. If you open the hatch or front passenger door, then all the doors unlock. If you put your hand on any of the door handles and the SKS unlocks whatever it does, and you don't actually -open- one of the doors (any door will do) then 20 sec. later they all relock.
Before any of you change the programing, just consider that if you're alone and approaching your car in the dark, you may want the setting so that only the drivers door opens. If someone wanting to do you harm is hiding on the other side of the car, then if you program the fob to open both doors with one touch to the sensor then the person can easily jump into the car with you. Not a very safe set up. My wife carries her keys in her purse so when she approaches the car she can unlock her own door as she touches the sensor. If she's there before me she'll also unlock my door as well. I wasn't aware that touching the hatch lid sensor unlocked the doors. There are times when I might be say at the mall and take something out and put into the back so I'll have to remember to lock the doors if I'm heading back inside.
Anyone know if you might be able to convert a 1 door sks to a 3 door sks by purchasing the correct door/hatch handles and wiring them up? G
I have a stupid question then. If I have 1 door SKS and I lock my Prius, go into the grocery store, buy groceries and return to my vehicle, can I open the hatch and load groceries or do I first have to unlock the drivers door, then open the hatch? Or when you say it only allows them to open drivers door and no other door while vehicle is locked this does not apply to the hatch? I would think it would be very inconvenient to have to unlock your drivers door 1st, then open your hatch. Seems obvious, so tell me I can open the hatch anytime.
I'm not sure, as I have the IV, but you could for sure press the unlock on your key fob. Anyone with a model II or III have any comments?
I totally agree with you. I like knowing that no one can jump into my car if I'm in a dark parking lot. I also like having the car lock as soon as you put it into drive. I don't understand why people change their setting to lock when they get past 12 mph. (which would allow someone to grab the handle and jump in as you pull away from your parking space.) Now...:focus:
Anything is possible, but I would have to imagine that it would not be very cost effective. The only thing I miss about my 2005 is the 3 door SKS. The single door SKS I have now is nice, but being able to leave the grocery store and open the hatch without taking my keys out of my pocket was a luxury that I did not anticipate missing this much.
The 1 door SKS system only has a sensor on 1 door--the driver's door, so you can't use the SKS feature on any other door. The 3 door SKS includes driver's & front passenger doors, and hatch door. If you want the convenience of the 3 door SKS, you need to get the model that includes it. Or to put stuff in the trunk, use the key fob.
There are situations where that setting is a pain. My wife always gripes at me, especially when it's raining or snowing, as I back out of the garage and the door will immediately lock. For some reason I never think to unlock the door untill she yells at me. She never smiles about it even on pretty days.
I don't like the doors automatically locking. They are easy enough to lock if I want to lock them. I have a fear of being trapped in a car wreck and nobody being able to get into my car to help me out because the doors are locked.
Thanks, that makes perfect sense. Otherwise there would be no difference between 1 door SKS and 3 door SKS. So now I guess the question simply becomes how "worth it" is it to be able to just reach out and open my hatch without pressing anything, vs. having to press a button on the fob. .....Since my car now uses the old key in the trunk keyhole system, I suppose pressing a button on the fob would still feel luxurious in comparison.
I wouldn't worry about it- if for any reason you are unconscious or incapacitated they will simply break the windows. What often happens is that an accident will bend the car so much that the doors themselves are unable to open at all, and in that case they will saw into your car with the jaws of life. __________________________________ Just a quick note- if you have your SKS setup to only open one door, you have to press unlock on the keyfob twice in succession to open all doors and the trunk. A big pain for me has been the 'alarm' that lets me know my doors are open when I press the SKS button on the handle to lock. I get out of my car and press it right away- if a passenger still hasn't closed their door the alarm goes of and scares everyone around half to death. So now I have to stand there and twiddle my thumbs until everyone closes their doors unless I want to wake the dead.
I think if you have never had the 3 door it won't bother you much. Speaking as someone that had a 3 door and now has a 1 door. It is somewhat annoying 2-3 times per week. But realistically having to pull my fob out 2-3 times per week because I want to open a door other than the drivers door isn't that big of a deal. Heck I used to have to pull out the key and insert it into the door every time so this isn't that much of a step back. G