At the end of the day, it is all demand driven. Speculators bet on demand vs supply. Change one side of the equation, and you still affect the price in the end. With India (1 billion people) and China (1.3 billion people) industrializing at rates faster than the rest of the western world had seen, with a vastly larger population base to support, the global appetite for additional energy (read: oil) will continue to climb. This will be checked by whatever degree by the ability of those countries to afford ever increasing prices. And supply *is* diminishing. No two ways about it, unless someone is restocking the earth with more of it. We may *pump* more of it from reserves, but the rate of creation of crude oil is small enough for the current supply to be considered non-replenished. All the low-hanging fruit has been exhausted, so every barrel pumped requires additional effort to harvest (deep sea reserves, oil sands, etc). Additional effort equals higher costs. And yields are also diminishing. Sure, there might be more discoveries to be had, and who knows, they might be significant, but at it doesn't change the equation that we're drawing down on an originally fixed supply. I recommend you read "The First Billion is the Hardest" (T. Boone Pickens) and "The Post-American World" (Fareed Zakaria).
No one has to wait. Just like the Prius II You will be able to convert the Prius Gen III with a afthermarket plug in. Why my dealership install them now. The only problem right now is they are to expensive. But they are getting less expensive every year
"Solar" is an alternative means of generating electricity, not an alternative to electricity. Dominion Power could just as well create the electric power you get from them via solar, wind, etc. Your budget is comprised of your electric bill and gasoline bill and [fillintheblank] bills. In the end, all you really care about is keeping your total outflow of cash below your inflow. If you reduce your gasoline budget by $2000 a year but increase your electric bill by $500, you are better off, not worse (you just saved $1500). And remember, gasoline prices aren't fixed either, and will probably continue to go up, probably at a faster percentage increase than electricity. So, replacing an expensive commodity (gasoline) with a less expensive commodity (electricity) is the way to go. And since more electricity can be generated and the supply of oil can't be increased, it isn't hard to see that electricity will continue to be less expensive than gasoline for a long, long time, probably longer than we'll be alive. If you're looking to save a bit on electricity today, should try setting to 78 instead of 76 (76 is pretty cold for summer thermo setting).
While I am quite aware what solar is, it can be used to power things and someday I hope we can find better ways to use it for more things. The new solar panel on the Prius is a step in the right direction. All I am saying is I don't like the idea of relying strictly on the Electric Company to run my whole life. I don't care where/how they make the electricity, it's the fact that I am depending on one source of fuel for my entire life. Such as when Hurricane Isabel came through. We had no power for 2 weeks. Luckily we had a gas hot water heater so at least we could take a hot shower. At night the only light we had was - hang on, you ready for this - solar garden lights. Yep, I would put them out during the day to charge and bring them in an night to illuminate some of the rooms. And a gas powered car so I wasn't stranded. I was still able to go to work as my husband was. Pretty important since he's a Firefighter. What would've happened if they couldn't go to any calls if their trucks were electric and the lines were down? I realize you have to have electricity to pump the gas, but there was time to plan ahead for that such as generators. Which may I add are gas. Who's to say that if the world switches over to electricity, then it won't become even more expensive than gas. Per your own analogy, it would in fact take the place as is #1 commodity, thus increasing the demand thousand fold. Sure, now it's cheaper, but how do we know it will always be that way? We will then be at the mercy of whatever rates the Electric Company wants to charge. Not only dictating how much or less we drive, but whether we can afford to keep a measly fan blowing instead of turning on the AC. This is a never ending conversation that can be had and quite frankly no one wins. Either way, we are all at the mercy of companies, whether it be gas, electric, or whatever. I hope that someday, I can get in my Prius and just hit the start button and not have to worry about who's raking me over the coals for energy. I don't think 76 is unreasonable at all. I know people who keep it even lower than that during the summer. Besides, with French Bulldogs, that is the highest I can go without causing them respiratory distress. They are a bradycephalic breed. I think this is getting way off topic of what the OP intended, so it's probably best if we want to continue this discussion (which I really don't care to because there will always be a difference of opinions and again, I'm OK with that, it just gets old and nothing positive usually comes from it), then I suggest a new thread should be started. Until then - Happy motoring and I hope the Prius stork arrives in your driveway soon everyone!
Well yes, off topic from what I intended, but then again I started Anyways, you make a point with gas but there are ways to replace it besides electricity. Solar panels and much more advanced than people realize. For around 10000 USD, you can install solar panels at your house and cut your electricity costs over 70%. Also, if there were to be a hurricane again (Ike for us houstonians is the dreadful example), you solar cells would keep you running. And has anybody heard they are making cellphone prototypes that harvest all kinds of waves (radio waves, microwaves, cellular waves, etc) and turn them into electricity? Wireless electricity! how cool is that. Anyways, here is the back to topic trigger: Excuse my ignorance, and this time you guys may really laugh at me: I dont think Im sure what foglights really are. I always assumed that it simply meant that extra set of lights usually placed right below the front bumper (see circled item in attached picture). Are those what you call foglights? which Prius 2010 trims have it, and which don't? Reason I am doubtful is because I have yet to see a picture of a Prius without that extra set of lights...
I agree with you 100% on solar. That's really the way to go IMHO. Anyways, yes, foglights are the little round lights on the bottom.The picture shows one without them. They are only available from the factory on the Prius V. In all other models, they are a gray plastic "blank". Hope this helps!
What you circled are the turn signals. The fog lights go below them. But on Rick's (in the picture) there is a round plastic blank in place of the fog lamp. Here's the fog lamp below the turn signal. and here is a Prius IV with the blank in place of the foglamps:
Thank you paradox and firemanbobswife, that clears things up for me. Dammit! I am already decided for the Prius IV because my wife seems to prefer solar roof package over all the ATP mumbo jumbo, and honestly here in hot-a** houston I understand her completely. But to think the IV doesnt have fog lights! its not that I want them that much, is just that that piece of plastic looks U G L Y!..... Can you install foglights yourself on a Prius IV?
Here is another question from me, the newb: Anybody care to enlighten me in the difference between Halogen, HID, and LED headlamps? I mean I know LEDs use a lot less power, don't get hot, etc. But as far as headlamps, what are the differences? (pros, cons) Also, which Prius trims have which?
Normally you can, but I'm not sure if there are any aftermarket ones available yet. I won't have any on mine since it's a III, but really, I dont think it looks hideous or anything without them. A little odd, maybe. But don't worry about it. You'll be INSIDE and you won't even notice! LOL!
No more HID's on the 2010. Now it's only Halogen and LED for headlights. The Halogens are Prius II, III and IV. The LED's are Prius V only. Halogens for headlights (lowbeam) are generally 55w, the LED's consume less power. They also are a whiter more natural light. HID's are similar in color to the LED imo but they need a ballast to 'ignite' them and there were problems with alot of peoples burning out and the cost of a new bulb was expensive. The LED's are rated for a 15 year lifespan... LED headlights also don't have as many lumens per bulb as helogens or HID's so on the 2010 with LED's there are 3 light sources. A 'flood light' type led on top which illuminates in front of the car, and 2 projector beam led's for distance and mid distance and to the sides. Someone had posted a nice diagram once which showed where each beam outputs its light souce in front of the car. Here, in this photo you can see all 3 LED headlights...
I've ordered a set from Blinglights which advertises on I googled "Prius 2010 fog lights." If I don't like the look I won't use them -- only $89 including shipping. They advertise the kit as designed to fit Prius II, III, IV, and V. Only just ordered and haven't received the kit yet -- nor the Prius which is due mid-July.
So in conclusion: Halogen - sucks HID - better, but expensive to replace LED - awesome, but Toyota is mean so if you want Solar Roof, no LED for you. Correct? And so..which one is brighter? I didnt understand that part. Also, in the Prius, the "3 sources of light" setup applies only the teh Prius V (LED lights) or to II, III, and IV as well?
Hey, Darkleafer asked whether a Prius could jumpstart another car. Let me ask the converse, cause I'm another hybrid wannabe type: Are there any situations where a Prius might need a jump? If so, what do you have to watch out for not to screw up the various batteries and the electrical system?
I remember a post recently about this. Yes, the Prius can receive a jump start. The jump terminals are under the hood someplace--I don't remember exactly where but they shouldn't be too hard to find. Because the aux battery just boots the car, it is small and is pretty quick to charge (I don't know if the other car even needs to be running). Of course, you have to make sure the polarity is right or else there would be major damage.
Halogens don't suck lol. As HTMLSpinnr pointed out, they provide more lumens than the LEDs (which means they're brighter). However, the benefits of LEDs are a whiter light and definitely the smaller power consumption. They also last a lot longer than halogen bulbs (you'll probably never have to replacement for the life of the car). LEDs are directional, hence the reason why they have 3 different sets to aim at different angles and distances ahead of the car unlike a regular halogen bulb that floods the street with light.
But he said somethign about the LED having flood light or projector type lights for mid and far distances, and according to the toyota website the prius II, III and IV have "Projector-beam halogen headlamps", so what do they mean by that? Because every picture I ve seen of the Priuses does look like they got 3 sets of lights in there..
Halogens on the Gen III Prius have ONE projector beam. The LED's have 2 Projector beams and one 'flood light' set on top of them as pointed out in the picture I posted. Halogens on Gen III, one light source. LED's on Gen III, 3 light sources. LED's have less lumens thus they need more light sources to aim at different areas.
Yup. Go back to the picture above. Do you see that "smaller" light source above the two round white LEDs that are on? That top horizontal white light is the "flood" light to help illuminate near distances. Don't confuse it with the topmost light which is the halogen parking lights.
Tideland - there's a great thread somewhere with Stream's photos when he changed out all his lightbulbs. I just want to be sure I understand - With my IV, I will have halogen lamps. I can't just go out and stick LED bulbs in them, can I? I'd have to put in whole new headlamp assemblies that accomodate LED's? Thanks!