Folks, My hybrid battery never gets fully charged while driving. I've never seen it fully charged (green) and only very rarely seen it one level below fully charged (also green). Most times, it is blue but I've also noticed it drains pretty quickly (city driving or starting up the next day) --> usually half or sometimes less charge. My car is '06 with 28000 miles. Any idea if this is a problem? I do have the extended platinum warranty. Would be good to get some input... Thanks
Nothing is wrong. That's what you are suppose to see. Being at 6-bars most of the time is what contributes to battery longevity. .
Your car sounds normal. If you want to see eight green bars you'll need to find a mountainous road where you can mostly coast downhill ~1,000 ft elevation drop or more.
Okay, thanks for the info. It's good to have perspective. I usually have 5-6 bars (blue; assuming 8 is the max which I think it is but am not entirely sure).... No my next attempt is to see how I can cross the 60 MPG barrier. No matter what I try, I'm averaging about 57-58 (SE Pennsylvania, warm weather, No AC so conditions are ideal). I I do P&G whenever I can, minimize EV mode, etc but I guess I need to do more. 've started reading through the finer technicalities...
The control system works very hard to keep the battery exactly where yours is. The car needs power from the battery when you ask for it, but has to save room for regenerative braking. That's why it stays toward the middle top of the range. Tom
Do not hesitate to use the air conditioner. The battery system is cooled using cabin air. If you are too hot while driving then the battery system may be also, which will reduce MPGs.