In 1983, the Natal shark Board brought up in its nets this formidable Bull Shark, weighting 116 Kg and 1.74 meters in length. During the autopsy, its stomach was found to contain 2.3 Kg of human flesh such as these dismembered feet
Not all sharks nibble on people feetsies. I have seen aerial photos of Tomales Bay, a popular swimming beach with people in the water and (by aerial photos) pods of sharks basking very near by, and all concerned happy as can be. No nibbles. Then again I've also been kayaking on the same bay and had a creature larger than the sea kayak swim underneath. Breathtaking, literally. I have no photo, but once while sailing off Mexico and passing another sailboat, a whale spy hopped BETWEEN the two boats, splashing the other boat and occupants it was so close. For an instant it looked like the whale came down right ON the other boat from my perspective. Being in a 42 foot boat and having a many ton animal come crashing down so close was as exhilarating and scary as any other man-in-water vs. sea-resident encounter I have ever had. Not scary, but having a pod of dolphins ride the bow wave, jostling for position and hearing their joyful squeaks has to be a highlight of my years on the water. You stand on the bow (think LDiC and Titanic) and gesture and yell and squeak and look them right in the eye as they are having play time. True human/non-human interaction.
Fine. But when millions of people in Nebraska are killed this year by the world's #1 killer, sharks, don't say I didn't warn you.
We'll never know. On top the the extensive 'sharks are nice' PR compaign by the coastal states tourist bureaus sharks are very good at hiding the bodies. Did you ever wonder what government did with the bodies of the people in the planes that didn't hit the WTC and Pentagon on 9'11
No I don't. Considering the United Flight 93 nosed into the ground at full throttle I wouldn't expect any bodies to remain. What does 9/11 have to so with your shark phobia?
Check out this Discovery Channel video...... Just be glad the only crocodiles in the US are in a small protected preserve in the swamps of Southern Florida. "Sharks are Serial Killers!!!" :rip:
Very true. 97% of shark species NEVER bite people. What's even better is being in the water with them. Sometimes they'll swim right alongside you, especially if you are 5 or 6 feet under the water, or coming up after a free dive, and they'll look you right in the eye. It's the most emotional experience I've ever had. He's claiming they fed the bodies to sharks to dispose of them.
Sorry about that, Daniel, it worked earlier. Try this one (is same video) is worthwhile educational video------ NEVERMIND----NOTHING IS WORKING RIGHT TONIGHT----MUST BE BECAUSE MICHAEL JACKSON IS GONE! BUT, IF YOU GO TO THAT SITE AND TYPE IN "CROC VS GATOR" IT WILL GO TO THE FEEDING FRENZY SITE----
Okay. The search worked. Croc can smash a tomato. Gator can't. Big deal. I can smash a tomato in my jaws. Gators can still eat people. They just have to swallow you whole, so instead of dying torn to bits, you die dissolved slowly in the gator's digestive juices.
Actually they will bite onto your flesh or extremities then twist their bodies until something rips off then they will swallow that chunk.
They prefer to drag you into the water and do a death rool to drown you then put you in a den for a while to age before they eat most of you. Okay, just saw the film. See the roll.